PS2 Controllers (Updated 2/11/2007)
Last Updated: February 11, 2007
Well, after my experiences with using PS2 controllers, I thought I'd start a "project thread" for the general advancement of the use of these controllers. Here, I'll post links and code that are known to work currently. Feel free to respond with any comments/questions and especially your observations or discoveries on anything about PS2 controllers.
Caption: Incase you are unfamiliar with PS2 controllers, these are what they look like. Left: Dualshock 2 clone, center: Pelican Chameleon wireless (PL-669), right: Sony Dualshock. Right Picture: Pelican Afterglo (see EDIT 2/11/2007 at bottom of post)
CURRENTLY KNOWN: Here is what information is already known about using PS2 controllers
Excellent Nuts & Volts article explaining the serial communication involved with PS2 controllers, there is code at the end for the BS2.
Here is a post from the BS2 forums that has updated code with the "rumble" feature enabled, as well as an "auto analog on and lock" feature. This is nice because you don't have to press the "analog" button each time you power up (If you didn't know, "analog" mode allows the 2 joysticks to be read, "digital" mode just reads the buttons).
For Javelin users...see attached code, it doesn't utilize rumble or auto analog on/lock (at least not yet...) but reads everything else fine.
EDIT: 10/8/2006: I have also attached the code that works for both wired and (Pelican) wireless controllers, auto analog on/lock works but I haven't tested the rumble feature (although there is code for it). The wireless Pelican doesn't have rumble anyways.
Here is a post for the SX that describes wireless control somewhat, as well as retrieving pressure readings from the buttons (there is code for the SX at the bottom).
CURRENTLY UNKOWN: Ok, hopefully those links should cover everything about using PS2 controllers. Now for what still needs to be figured out/done/verified.
Wireless control-after getting the wired controller working, we all wish for a wireless controller. However, it's not that simple. It seems that the playstation communicates differently with wireless controllers than it does wired controllers. I haven't been able to get a wireless controller working, and I've read mixed reviews on people getting a wireless controller to work.
EDIT 8/15/2006: see
EDIT 10/8/2006: I got it working for the Pelican Chameleon wireless, see attached code.
Button pressure reading-perhaps not that useful, but a cool built-in feature that could could be tapped into...
Why sometimes certain Sony brand controllers won't work?-It's as simple as that. It may be the "newer" generation of controllers, or slight differences in manufacturing, but not ALL controllers seem to work.
MY EXPERIENCE: Ok, and is my experience with using PS2 controllers
DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) pad - it's a no name brand pad, and it works great! Shows up as a digital controller.
Clone of Sony Dualshock 2 controller - I think it's the same one you see on ebay for around $10. These look exactly like the Sony's but don't say "Sony" in the middle where it should (it's blank instead). Mine works great except that I've had quality issues with them (I had one where the joystick would not rebound. Perhaps the resolution isn't as good as on a real Sony too? Not sure, but if these are all you can get working, they will do the job.
Original Sony DualShock controller - I could NOT get this to work, but I know that lots people use these. For me, it won't read anything, not even the ID. Has a model letter "A". Refer to this post for this "model" issue. If you don't care to look at the link, basically, it seems that there are two different "models," designated by an "A" or an "H" at the bottom right of the box of text on the underside of the controller. EDIT 8/15/2006: appears that only the dual shock 2 controllers work (not DS1), although sometimes the DS2's dont work either.
Pelican Chameleon wireless controller- I could NOT get this to work either. The LED on the reciever blinks when I push a button, so the Tx to Rx communication seems to work fine. In addition, I can read the ID of this controller. I don't remember what byte its ID is returned as, but I know it changes if I push the analog button. However, I can't seem to initiate the data transfer, the status never comes back as "ready."
EDIT 8/15/2006: mountaineer has got this controller working, also see the thread about wireless controllers (linked above).
EDIT 10/8/2006: I got it working, see attached code.
EDIT 2/11/2007: Warning: don't connect the receiver to more than +5V (other controllers seem fine up to +7V, but mine stopped working)
Pelican Afterglo wired controller (ADDED 2/11/2007)-This works like a regular wired controller EXCEPT the "Set_Mode_Analog();" needs to be commented out from the constructor of the class. For some reason, this function locks the controller in digital mode instead of in analog mode. This controller, like the Pelican wireless, appears to have better quality joysticks that center at the same position everytime. The controller lights up blue when you connect the +7.5V wire that's supposed to power the rumble feature to another power source (don't connect it to a stamp's regulated +5V).
EDIT 2/11/2007:
1) Added Pelican Afterglo controller, but I did NOT update the class. To use this controller, the Set_Mode_Analog(); call in the constructor must be commented out.
2) Added warning for Pelican Chameleon wireless
EDIT 10/8/2006: I edited the attachments:
1) "" is the code I was using that has auto analog on/lock and code for rumble (although I haven't tested)
2) "" is "" modified to work with Pelican wireless controllers and the regular wired controllers. It is exactly the same as except for 3 new data fields (boolean analogOn, pluggedIn, wireless) and data shifting for the wireless controller. When you use it, you should call "psx.update()" or "psx.Get_PSX_Packet_Fast()" so that it will automatically run the function to shift the data for the joystick values; otherwise, you will need to insert the code for the shifting function elsewhere. (Slightly changed 10/10/06)
3) "WirelessPS2.txt" contains my notes for my observations of the wireless Pelican controller
4) (Added 10/10/06) Small test class "" added for use with ""
Post Edited (bulkhead) : 2/12/2007 6:42:24 AM GMT
Well, after my experiences with using PS2 controllers, I thought I'd start a "project thread" for the general advancement of the use of these controllers. Here, I'll post links and code that are known to work currently. Feel free to respond with any comments/questions and especially your observations or discoveries on anything about PS2 controllers.
Caption: Incase you are unfamiliar with PS2 controllers, these are what they look like. Left: Dualshock 2 clone, center: Pelican Chameleon wireless (PL-669), right: Sony Dualshock. Right Picture: Pelican Afterglo (see EDIT 2/11/2007 at bottom of post)
CURRENTLY KNOWN: Here is what information is already known about using PS2 controllers
Excellent Nuts & Volts article explaining the serial communication involved with PS2 controllers, there is code at the end for the BS2.
Here is a post from the BS2 forums that has updated code with the "rumble" feature enabled, as well as an "auto analog on and lock" feature. This is nice because you don't have to press the "analog" button each time you power up (If you didn't know, "analog" mode allows the 2 joysticks to be read, "digital" mode just reads the buttons).
For Javelin users...see attached code, it doesn't utilize rumble or auto analog on/lock (at least not yet...) but reads everything else fine.
EDIT: 10/8/2006: I have also attached the code that works for both wired and (Pelican) wireless controllers, auto analog on/lock works but I haven't tested the rumble feature (although there is code for it). The wireless Pelican doesn't have rumble anyways.
Here is a post for the SX that describes wireless control somewhat, as well as retrieving pressure readings from the buttons (there is code for the SX at the bottom).
CURRENTLY UNKOWN: Ok, hopefully those links should cover everything about using PS2 controllers. Now for what still needs to be figured out/done/verified.
Wireless control-after getting the wired controller working, we all wish for a wireless controller. However, it's not that simple. It seems that the playstation communicates differently with wireless controllers than it does wired controllers. I haven't been able to get a wireless controller working, and I've read mixed reviews on people getting a wireless controller to work.
EDIT 8/15/2006: see
EDIT 10/8/2006: I got it working for the Pelican Chameleon wireless, see attached code.
Button pressure reading-perhaps not that useful, but a cool built-in feature that could could be tapped into...
Why sometimes certain Sony brand controllers won't work?-It's as simple as that. It may be the "newer" generation of controllers, or slight differences in manufacturing, but not ALL controllers seem to work.
MY EXPERIENCE: Ok, and is my experience with using PS2 controllers
DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) pad - it's a no name brand pad, and it works great! Shows up as a digital controller.
Clone of Sony Dualshock 2 controller - I think it's the same one you see on ebay for around $10. These look exactly like the Sony's but don't say "Sony" in the middle where it should (it's blank instead). Mine works great except that I've had quality issues with them (I had one where the joystick would not rebound. Perhaps the resolution isn't as good as on a real Sony too? Not sure, but if these are all you can get working, they will do the job.
Original Sony DualShock controller - I could NOT get this to work, but I know that lots people use these. For me, it won't read anything, not even the ID. Has a model letter "A". Refer to this post for this "model" issue. If you don't care to look at the link, basically, it seems that there are two different "models," designated by an "A" or an "H" at the bottom right of the box of text on the underside of the controller. EDIT 8/15/2006: appears that only the dual shock 2 controllers work (not DS1), although sometimes the DS2's dont work either.
Pelican Chameleon wireless controller- I could NOT get this to work either. The LED on the reciever blinks when I push a button, so the Tx to Rx communication seems to work fine. In addition, I can read the ID of this controller. I don't remember what byte its ID is returned as, but I know it changes if I push the analog button. However, I can't seem to initiate the data transfer, the status never comes back as "ready."
EDIT 8/15/2006: mountaineer has got this controller working, also see the thread about wireless controllers (linked above).
EDIT 10/8/2006: I got it working, see attached code.
EDIT 2/11/2007: Warning: don't connect the receiver to more than +5V (other controllers seem fine up to +7V, but mine stopped working)
Pelican Afterglo wired controller (ADDED 2/11/2007)-This works like a regular wired controller EXCEPT the "Set_Mode_Analog();" needs to be commented out from the constructor of the class. For some reason, this function locks the controller in digital mode instead of in analog mode. This controller, like the Pelican wireless, appears to have better quality joysticks that center at the same position everytime. The controller lights up blue when you connect the +7.5V wire that's supposed to power the rumble feature to another power source (don't connect it to a stamp's regulated +5V).
EDIT 2/11/2007:
1) Added Pelican Afterglo controller, but I did NOT update the class. To use this controller, the Set_Mode_Analog(); call in the constructor must be commented out.
2) Added warning for Pelican Chameleon wireless
EDIT 10/8/2006: I edited the attachments:
1) "" is the code I was using that has auto analog on/lock and code for rumble (although I haven't tested)
2) "" is "" modified to work with Pelican wireless controllers and the regular wired controllers. It is exactly the same as except for 3 new data fields (boolean analogOn, pluggedIn, wireless) and data shifting for the wireless controller. When you use it, you should call "psx.update()" or "psx.Get_PSX_Packet_Fast()" so that it will automatically run the function to shift the data for the joystick values; otherwise, you will need to insert the code for the shifting function elsewhere. (Slightly changed 10/10/06)
3) "WirelessPS2.txt" contains my notes for my observations of the wireless Pelican controller
4) (Added 10/10/06) Small test class "" added for use with ""
Post Edited (bulkhead) : 2/12/2007 6:42:24 AM GMT
It will probably have to be debugged since I haven't coded in Java in almost a year, so I don't remember all of the syntax.
My Experience with controllers:
MadCatz 400 series wired controller: Works great. The joysticks don't have quite as good of resolution as the Sony DualShock2. Always center at 128 so dead band not a issue. Has a dead band around the physical limits. "Analog on and lock" and rumble work well. Cheap.
MadCatz 440 series wireless controller: Doesn't work. Link light turns on and off on the receiver as I turn on and off the controller but no information comes through. Supposedly wireless version of above controller(400).
Sony DualShock 2 wired controller: "H" version works but "A" doesn't.(New ones I could find are "A." I bought the "H" about a year ago.) Joysticks have very high resolution (0-255 on each axis) but doesn't center in the same spot every time so software dead band is needed.
My Wireless theory: The wireless ones probably don't work because they need more strict timing than wired. Most parallax-product based programs require varying time intervals for their read/write cycles. Other controllers(see have gotten wireless to work with the MadCatz Lynx wireless controller. These controllers have the same timing throughout the read/write cycle. The wireless controllers might not even use the clock line and instead use a asynchronous protocol, which is dependant on timing. It would be nice if someone could read the frequency on their clock line on their playstation(I don't have one). Also, there are varying reports on what voltage the force feedback motors run on, so it would be nice if someone could take the time to measure it on a playstation that supports a wireless controller. The wireless sender could be receiving power from this line.
regards peter
I don't think the "A" is necessarily the newer version of controllers, because I got my "A" version several years back (at least 3 or 4 years). Anyone else have problems with the "A" version?
I run my rumble features on 7.2v unregulated. Make sure that you call the right method with _Vibrate appended to the end of the method name to use the rumble feature. Also make sure that you are assigning values to either vibSmall or vibLarge.
Bulkhead- Since my "A" version was a Sony DualShock2, while yours was the original Sony DualShock, I wouldn't make anything of the time difference.
What is the purpose of
psxOut = (char)(0x00 + VibSmall);
One could simply write psxOut =·VibSmall;
regards peter
Instead, use char values 0 and 1 for false and true,
then use value == 0 and value == 1 to generate
boolean values.
Each type (boolean,char,byte,int,short) each occupy
2 bytes, the exception being array of char or byte
where each element occupies·1 byte.
regards peter
I have a question.
what does"...the clock signal is inverted between the Stamp and·the controller..." mean in the PSX_Demo.BS2 file description?
Thank you
When communicating with the playstation controller the Basic Stamp requires an inverted clock signal to read the controller with any reasonable speed. This inverted line allows us to use the Basic Stamp's native functions in communications. The inverted clock line means that there is a hardware inverter between the Basic Stamp's clock out line and the Playstation controller's clock in line.
To see a schematic of the inverter, take a look at the Nuts&Volts playstation article. I think there is a link to it in the first post in this thread. I have also attached a diagram of the hardware lines coming out of the playstaion controller. It is actual the wiring diagram for the Playstation controller hookup cable from Lynxmotion.
Have fun, botguy
I hooked up the clock output of my playstation to a oscilloscope and it looks like the official clock speed is 2.5MHz. If the wireless controllers are designed to operate only around that speed the slower chips are not going to work at all.
Unless anyone has a wireless controller that runs fully synchronously, only people that have a quick chip will be able to match the clock.
Its .4 us puse width, the duty cycle is 50% as would be expected.
Post Edited (Milton) : 4/14/2006 6:57:16 PM GMT
Thanks for finding out that information, Milton. I've been wondering about that for a long time but couldn't find out as I do not have a PlayStation nor a oscilloscope.
It works fine.
I tried a Logitech cordless action controller.
I can not receive any information but the controller ID from it.
It seems that the controller can not establish communication with the receiver.
Does anyone have met anything similar?
You can get your wirelesses controller working, with a little experimentation. Here is how:
1. Read the raw data from your controller in binary on your computer. Press each of the buttons and write down what each one does. Each button should only change one bit and a joystick should be a byte. The Joystick's bytes may not correspond with the output bytes(i.e., the joystick info may start in one byte and finish in another).
2. Compare your information gathered in step one to the output in the nuts and volts article, which is probably where you found your code (if not, there should be a link to in the above posts). There should be a pattern between them (i.e., the all bits have been shifted right 5)
3. Using the pattern from step 2, make a algorithm that converts the wireless controllers data format to the standard, wired data format.
4. Use a 'IF' statement to recognize the wireless controller's status or id. If it finds it, call gosub on the algorithm from step 3
5. Add everything into your code.
This model of coding will allow you to hot-swap your controllers (change controller with the BS on) and plug in different controllers without having to change your code (i.e., if your wireless has interference, you can unplug it, plug in the wired, and keep going). Hopefully, we can get a database of all different controller conversion functions going in this tread.
What kind of basic stamp are you using?
I promise to post my conversion algorithm for the Pelican Accessories Chameleon wireless controller right after the competition I'm in ends (may 20th).
The results on debug window show that there is controller present (different ID from the wired one , 4 pots shows 127) but the green light on the receiver
flashes green. I think that green light on the receiver must go off when communication with the controller·has been·established.
Still haven't solved my problem. I will try your suggestion mountaineer, but I think I will not achieve anything till May 20th.
I will keep trying....
I can get the wired one to fully work, with all analog button data read/sent and vibrations, but the logitech doesn't work. I also believe that it is the wireless connection as the receiver sends and responds correctly. I can change the mode of the logitech (to analog or ds2 native) and it acts (reports it's mode) as expected. It (seemingly) communicates flawlessly in extended data mode by sending all '128' for the joy position data, all '0' for the analog button data, all 'off' for the digital button data (in those 2 bytes), and also ACKs for each byte transferred to it. But pushing buttons or moving the joys doesn't cause the data output to change, just like there was the wired sony was connected to it and it wasn't being touched (except the joy values.... logitech is dead on '128' for each). The green light just flashes the whole time. I thought that maybe the 'vibration power' was the key, but I've tried it with both power on it and not, no change.
I read in the manual for the logitech:
Step 3 "Turn on console, and then load the software. Receiver Status light blinks slowly."
I think that this slowly blinking is what the receiver does the entire time. I wonder if the 'software' that this is referring to is just the game, or if it is software for the controller????
Step 4 "To establish a connection with receiver, press any action button on controller. Receiver Status light turns solid green for 2 seconds (then off) when connection has been made. If controller does not connect, press Connect button on receiver, and then press any action button on controller."
My light just always flashes no matter if I push the button on receiver, or whatever....
I think that there must be some command sent to the controller in the initilization sequence that were missing. But, since the logitech says it works with the PS1 also, I'd GUESS that there wasn't an "advanced" code needed (based on my ASSUMPTION that the PS1 used simpler commands....) but still different than what we/I am using.
Perhaps the CLK speed is critical, but based on the logic analyzer data, it is communicating correctly, just not changing the data.
I've never connected the logitech to an actual playstation, just experiemented with it with a micro. I wonder if it needs to be connected once to an actual playstation to 'load the software' as referred to in the manual. Perhaps this initilizes it, and it will then work.... i'm doubtful as it's most likely not going to matter, but at this point I might just try it to rule that out as I'm running out of ideas...
You seem to have left out some information. What do you mean by "the green light" in "The green light just flashes the whole time."(2nd paragraph) What is this green light supposed to mean, and is it on the controller or the receiver. From my experience with my wireless controller, which is not made by logitech, when the receiver and controller are powered up, there should be some kind of light that comes on, either when a button is pressed or the power is turned on in the receiver or the transmitter. I realize that this is vague, but I do not own a logitech, so just look for a light that shows some kind of connection status. If you cannot turn on said light, you may have to supply a higher voltage to it through the force feedback motor supply. Take a look at the diagrams posted earlier if you do not know which pin this is. Once you get the connection light(signifying the transmitter and receiver are talking), then you should try to talk to the controller. Like I said in a earlier post, read the button data in binary and see if any of the information changes when you press a button. You should be able to work off that. From my experience, which is only 2 wireless controllers, wireless controllers use a different communications protocol than wired, but still use synchronous serial.
What kind of Basic Stamp are you using? I'm using a BS2 and I know it takes more than the times you talked about.
If all else fails, you could try borrowing a PlayStation and using a Oscilloscope on the output. The concept of the PlayStation loading software onto the controller seams fairly absurd to me since the controller is designed for any PlayStation and there are different firmware editions of PlayStation(I'm assuming, as there are different versions of the PlayStation controller).
Hope this helps, mountainieer2000
Any and all light references in my last post was the Receiver Status light on the receiver of the logitech wireless action controller. My understanding of that light is only what the manual describes (which I posted). I've never used that logitech controller before buying it to connect to my circuit.
There is a green light on the receiver and a red light on the controller.
I've tried power on the 'force feedback motor supply' wire, and without power on that, no difference. I tried between ~7.5V and 9V, no difference. I've measured the current drawn on that wire with the logitech and it doesn't appear to pull any current.
I've got a 24 channel logic analyzer that can store and display timing waveforms of all the comm lines to and from the controller down to the nanosecond level. The logitech will properly communicate with my software just like a regular Sony DS2. It responds to config commands and will send 'packets' correctly. The button data in binary is always $FF - $FF (all off) no matter what you are pushing on the controller.
I'm not using a stamp, but rather a midrange PIC in assembly.
I've thought about that and it's probably the next step if no one has already figured this out.... (although the oscope is not preferred to a logic analyzer....)
I have already contacted Logitech technical department. They do not support other uses of their wireless controllers·except for PS2. Bad answer for logitech wireless controller.
I have contacted Madcatz technical department and I am still waiting for their answer.
I did some searching and will try some ideas out.
Does anyone know why the wires #8(white) and #9(green) of the PSX socket are not connected?
Here's a question, bouncing on the 440.. Inside, both the controller, and the console module, there is a postage-stamp sized transceiver..
Has anyone figured out the pin-out of that little transceiver? it appears to be a multi-signal 2.4Ghz, but as of yet, I can't figure the wiring..
I'd love to at least see if the transceiver module, from both, could be used as a 2.4Ghz serial link, allowing a BS2 (BOE-Bot) to communicate
back to a PC. (send video, sound, position, etc.)
Stephen (gelfling6)
Has anyone used a PS2 joystick? I've search for posts with joysticks, and it seems like it's difficult to perform with the average USB joystock. Check this out:
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
psxThumbL VAR Byte ' left thumb buttons
psxThumbR VAR Byte ' right thumb buttons
psxJoyRX VAR Byte ' r joystick - X axis
psxJoyRY VAR Byte ' r joystick - Y axis
psxJoyLX VAR Byte ' l joystick - X axis
psxJoyLY VAR Byte ' l joystick - Y axis
idx VAR Nib
tmpout VAR Byte
PsxAtt PIN 9 ' PSX joystick interface
PsxClk PIN 8
PsxCmd PIN 10
PsxDat PIN 11
GOSUB Get_PSX_Buttons
DEBUG HOME, BIN8 psxThumbL," ",BIN8 psxThumbR," ",CR'HEX2 psxID," ",HEX2 psxSta,CR
DEBUG "psxJoyRX = ",DEC3 psxJoyRX ,CR
DEBUG "psxJoyRY = ",DEC3 psxJoyRY ,CR
DEBUG "psxJoyLX = ",DEC3 psxJoyLX ,CR
DEBUG "psxJoyLY = ",DEC3 psxJoyLY ,CR
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines ]
Get_PSX_Buttons:' This routine REQUIRES inverted clock signal from
LOW PsxClk
LOW PsxAtt
'GOTO test
'request data
FOR idx=0 TO 7
FOR idx=0 TO 7
FOR idx=0 TO 7
FOR idx=0 TO 7
FOR idx=0 TO 7
FOR idx=0 TO 7
FOR idx=0 TO 7
FOR idx=0 TO 7
FOR idx=0 TO 7
Next, make sure that they are dual shock 2 controllers, not the original dual shock.
Finally, check your wiring, this is where the most things can go wrong. If you can, check every connection with a multimeter.
If it still doesn't work, try changing to different pins. You may have a dead pin.
The code posted should work, so I don't think it needs to be changed. For wireless controllers (or further explanation as to how communication works) see this new thread in the BS2 forums:
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
buff VAR Byte(6)
idx VAR Nib
idy VAR Nib
tmpout VAR Byte
PsxAtt PIN 9 ' PSX joystick interface
PsxClk PIN 8
PsxCmd PIN 10
PsxDat PIN 11
GOSUB Get_PSX_Buttons
DEBUG HOME, BIN8 buff(0)," ",BIN8 buff(1)," ",CR'HEX2 psxID," ",HEX2 psxSta,CR
DEBUG "psxJoyRX = ",DEC3 buff(2) ,CR
DEBUG "psxJoyRY = ",DEC3 buff(3) ,CR
DEBUG "psxJoyLX = ",DEC3 buff(4) ,CR
DEBUG "psxJoyLY = ",DEC3 buff(5),CR
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines ]
High PsxClk ' Change this to low if you use the transistor
LOW PsxAtt
FOR idy = 0 TO 2
LOOKUP idy,[noparse][[/noparse]$01,$42,$00],tmpout
FOR idx=0 TO 7
FOR idy = 0 TO 5
FOR idx=0 TO 7
and not Jon Williams code since it dosent work at all with it. This made it work but I have no Y axis on the left joystk. It just idles at 255. The others respond eroneously as well. Dont understand why williams code dosent work with any of them.
That is strange, did you using a transistor to invert the clock when you used Jon William's code?
Pelican & Thrustmaters work fine - MadCatz is an issue.
MadCatz may require a faster clock pulse than the BS2 generates. Pelican drops out at 16 microseconds thats why I suggested a pulsout of 1 (2 microseconds).
Have Fun
it seems to want to be powered from 3.3 and not be polled for a packet more than about 40 ~ 50 times a second.
Who says you have to have knowledge to use it?
I've killed a fly with my bare mind.
If all else fails, you could just print all of the raw data in the debug window on one line, and just refresh the controller data every 1/5 second or something and look for changes when you press buttons.