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Looking for ways to measure barometric pressure with bs2p24 — Parallax Forums

Looking for ways to measure barometric pressure with bs2p24

Scrooge1970Scrooge1970 Posts: 1
edited 2006-02-27 22:49 in BASIC Stamp
Hello I am a newbie to the world of basic stamps.

I·need to monitor barometric pressure in two separate rooms with my new BS2P24.

Does anyone sell this type of sensor?

Better yet is there a way to build this type of sensor from standard parts?



  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,658
    edited 2006-02-27 22:49
    Contact me off list. I have an interface module for the Intersema chip barometer, and I could supply you with the module and the BS2p code.

    Tracy Allen
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