memory setup...
I know I cant compare stamps and propellers really, but I would like to know in laymans terms what the difference will be in memory structure.
The bs2p has 8 slots of 2kb each and 124 bytes of RAM.
What are the figures for the propeller ?
Can the user do a write instruction into the spare program space on each cog for data storage ?
The·LC256 chip can be cascaded as mentioned somewhere else here.
Does the prop only use chip 0, or can its program size be increased by adding chips ?
The bs2p has 8 slots of 2kb each and 124 bytes of RAM.
What are the figures for the propeller ?
Can the user do a write instruction into the spare program space on each cog for data storage ?
The·LC256 chip can be cascaded as mentioned somewhere else here.
Does the prop only use chip 0, or can its program size be increased by adding chips ?
On reset, the 32K of the EEPROM is transfered to RAM and execution begins. You could come up with scenarios where a program loads new code into memory, but I think this would need to be in Assembler.
Martin Hebel
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Martin Hebel
Perform a Survey of Electronic Technology Employers - Click here!
Personal Links with plenty of BASIC Stamp info
and SelmaWare Solutions - StampPlot - Graphical Data Acquisition and Control
So is it possible in spin, to just write data to an unused·program space location, such as· "write 10, 20" in pbasic ?
Or should I be putting extra memory chips there for my data storage ( I normally store about 8 kbytes of data).
- Depends what you want to store. That instruction is used to store in EEPROM so it is non-volitile. For this you would need to connect an extrnal EEPROM (as large as you want) to put data into.
- If you just want the data in volitile RAM (code space on Propeller), you'd most likely create an array
VAR BYTE MyData[noparse][[/noparse]8000] and simply store in the array.
The 512 bytes of RAM will either hold the Spin Interpreter for the programs in the shared 32K of RAM, or the Assembly program you or others write to go there.
- Of course, always take this all with a grain of salt since I am not Parallax staff.
Martin Hebel
Perform a Survey of Electronic Technology Employers - Click here!
Personal Links with plenty of BASIC Stamp info
and SelmaWare Solutions - StampPlot - Graphical Data Acquisition and Control
First is, most development boards or systems are going to have an eeprom avaialble, hanging off of p28 (scl) and p29 (sda). If a program does not use all 32kbytes of that eeprom, it would be fair game to use the rest of it for data storage. That data would be read into your propeller RAM along with the program code at bootup time.
Second, the system eeprom a 24LC256, which can have 8 chips addressable on one i2c buss. The system eeprom addresses 000 chunk of 32k. (At least it does on the development board). So additional 24C256 could be added at the other 7 addresses for a total of 229376 bytes for data storage. Or, to keep it small, one 24LC515 has 64k bytes, organzed into two blocks. The addressing is virtually the same as the 24LC256, so the system would boot the first 32k, leaving the upper block of 32k free for nonvolatile data.
I should add that reading and writing that memory will require I2C routines written in SPIN or Pasm. That is, like accessing external (with subroutines) as opposed to system eeprom (with READ/WRITE) on the Stamp.
Tracy Allen
Post Edited (Tracy Allen) : 2/27/2006 1:29:02 AM GMT
Who says you have to have knowledge to use it?
I've killed a fly with my bare mind.
I see what you mean there.
I'll be storing data in external eeprom.