Final Question: (Sorry, these are all for a project i'm working on) Is there a command to ramdomize the order of a group of subrountines? Like, The bot can go forward, backward, right, or left. But what if i wanted the bot to randomly go around the room, bumbing into stuff?
Yes, you can randomize the robots movement with a command known as RANDOM.
All you do is assign a number for each subroutine and tell the RANDOM command to spitt out numbers from 1 to 4. (Include in loop)
This will cause a random subroutine to be activated per one LOOP.
You may want to specify the TYPE of battery. With normal(Non Lithium) batteries which drain(ie. lose strengh) as they discharge one can simple measures the amount of electricly coming through and compare it to what it should be(9v batteries are actually 10v fully charged). ONe way to do this is to use and led and a photoresistor and measures it relative brightness
Yes, you can randomize the robots movement with a command known as RANDOM.
All you do is assign a number for each subroutine and tell the RANDOM command to spitt out numbers from 1 to 4. (Include in loop)
This will cause a random subroutine to be activated per one LOOP.
(Look up RANDOM in the Index for more info)
forget about the second question i just need the first answered.