Open my mind
Hi everyone!!
I´m absolutely new at robotics and certainly not very smart [noparse]:([/noparse]. But I´m really curious and I´m willing to learn more. I´m doing a project for my school with a simple Boe- Bot and I need help. I would like you to give me some brilliant ideas to develop or just open my mind to what can be done with this little one.
I´d really appreciate it, so thanks.
I´m absolutely new at robotics and certainly not very smart [noparse]:([/noparse]. But I´m really curious and I´m willing to learn more. I´m doing a project for my school with a simple Boe- Bot and I need help. I would like you to give me some brilliant ideas to develop or just open my mind to what can be done with this little one.
I´d really appreciate it, so thanks.
You should take some time to browse through the products section of the webpage. There are nearly limitless things you can do. Things that ive done include:
autonomous boe bot
sumo bot
line following
one bot that follows another bot
bot that runs of remote control
if you see Marty's posts, he has DawgZooka as his avatar, which runs off a BS2, which shoots t-shirts
we've done sonar navigation
and our new project is using the BS2 to read the ASCII form a keyboard and transmit the commands with RF to control a robot
and the list can go on and on
there are displays, cameras, and various other input devices that can be used for whatever you can think of
hope that helps with your brainstorming for an idea.