Considering Discovery Kit, but need WAY more demo exercies.
I want to get started in this Parallax Basic Stamp activity, and think the Discovery kit looks good, for what I want.
But I went through the WAM pdf (What is a Microcontroller), and the demos look easy enough - but I'd want more. I'd want a lot more different and interesting demos, realizing I'd have to buy more components outside of what is included in the kit.
Can anyone help point me to extra demos for the kit which includes the BS2 IC?
Newbie: Chuck
But I went through the WAM pdf (What is a Microcontroller), and the demos look easy enough - but I'd want more. I'd want a lot more different and interesting demos, realizing I'd have to buy more components outside of what is included in the kit.
Can anyone help point me to extra demos for the kit which includes the BS2 IC?
Newbie: Chuck
Then, once your learning curve starts, theres the inevitable "I have my own ideas on how to use the Basic Stamp."··· If you outgrow that stuff, which will take awhile, there are a milliion websites and lots of books that are basic stamp specific.
Note that all of the demonstration material I just mentioned above cost nothing.·This way, your $$ can go to the accessories and not for documentation.
·(Although I did break down and purchase three of the books to have handy when I needed references.)
I figure "WAM"·covers the·fundamentals whereupon the spark of imagination should kick in -- and you start going your own way (or don't.)
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support