Trouble with the Pololu Motor Controllers
I am having problems with getting my motors to stay on.· I have tried both of thier dual serial controllers.· Mini, and kit.· I have tried with both 12V motors, and small 3 volt motors.· Both with seperate power supplies.· In the code attached, I debug a loop to the screen.· The motors should run to 1000, but only get to about 300 ish.· Both controllers get warm.· Is it my code?· I posted to pololu's support forum, but nobody seems to be answering over there.· (I am spoiled by the support I have gotten here I guess.)·I got the micro serial motor controller here, so felt it was ok to ask here.· I will buy the Parallax controller when it is available, but my robot wants to move before then....
·I really appreciate the help from anyone who can help me!
Post Edited (neoteric) : 2/24/2006 8:50:34 PM GMT
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] I/O Definitions ]------------------------------------------------- Sout CON 3 'serial line ,Pololu motor controller Reset CON 4 'reset line ,Pololu motor controller ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]------------------------------------------------------- #SELECT $STAMP #CASE BS2, BS2E, BS2PE T1200 CON 813 T2400 CON 396 T4800 CON 188 T9600 CON 84 T19K2 CON 32 TMidi CON 12 T38K4 CON 6 #CASE BS2SX, BS2P T1200 CON 2063 T2400 CON 1021 T4800 CON 500 T9600 CON 240 T19K2 CON 110 TMidi CON 60 T38K4 CON 45 #CASE BS2PX T1200 CON 3313 T2400 CON 1646 T4800 CON 813 T9600 CON 396 T19K2 CON 188 TMidi CON 108 T38K4 CON 84 #ENDSELECT SevenBit CON $2000 Inverted CON $4000 Open CON $8000 Baud CON T9600 ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]------------------------------------------------------- MLFwd CON 5 'l forward' MRFwd CON 7 'r forward' MLRrv CON 4 'l reverse MRRrv CON 6 'r reverse' 'SEROUT Sout, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]$80,2,2] 'used to set controller x VAR Word 'loop variable ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Init }--------------------------- DEBUG "reset" GOSUB resetcontroller 'Reset_SMC: ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Main }--------------------------- Main: DEBUG "forward" FOR x= 1 TO 1000 GOSUB Forward DEBUG DEC x," - " 'gets to around 300 ish and motors stop! 3V or 12V motors NEXT DEBUG "end" SEROUT SOut, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]$80, 0, MLFwd,0] 'stop controller WORKS SEROUT SOut, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]$80, 0, MRFwd,0] GOSUB resetcontroller END ' -----[noparse][[/noparse] Subs }--------------------------- Forward: SEROUT SOut, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]$80, 0, MLFwd,127] SEROUT SOut, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]$80, 0, MRFwd,127] PAUSE 20 RETURN resetcontroller: HIGH Serout LOW Reset PAUSE 1000 HIGH Reset PAUSE 1000 RETURN
·I really appreciate the help from anyone who can help me!
Post Edited (neoteric) : 2/24/2006 8:50:34 PM GMT
SPEED var byte
output 14
DEBUG "Reset Controller", CR
pause 10
DEBUG "Ramp Up Motors Forward", CR
for SPEED = 0 to 127
serout 14,32,[noparse][[/noparse]$80,0,1,SPEED]
pause 50
serout 14,32,[noparse][[/noparse]$80,0,3,SPEED]
pause 1000
DEBUG "Ramp Down Motors Forward", CR
for SPEED = 127 to 0
serout 14,32,[noparse][[/noparse]$80,0,1,SPEED]
pause 50
serout 14,32,[noparse][[/noparse]$80,0,3,SPEED]
pause 4000
DEBUG "Ramp Up Motors Reverse", CR
for SPEED = 0 to 127
serout 14,32,[noparse][[/noparse]$80,0,0,SPEED]
pause 50
serout 14,32,[noparse][[/noparse]$80,0,2,SPEED]
pause 1000
DEBUG "Ramp Down Motors Reverse", CR
for SPEED = 127 to 0
serout 14,32,[noparse][[/noparse]$80,0,0,SPEED]
pause 50
serout 14,32,[noparse][[/noparse]$80,0,2,SPEED]
I previously wired it up exactly as described in the docs, and ran the code you suggested. Worked fine. I have since wired a lot more to the breadboard, and moved the hookups from pins 15 and 14 to pins 3 and 4. Also, I have sent the reconfig to the PSMC to change the motor numbers. ('SEROUT Sout, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]$80,2,2] 'used to set controller) (Set motors to 2 and 3)
I will try to change them back, and test again. I was hoping someone could review my code, or let me know if they think I have a heat problem. I think its a heat issue, that the controllers just cannot take sustained motor use. I have added a fan, that blows right on the PSMC, but to no avail. I am having the same problem with both types of Pololu dual serial controllers.
I may be missing something.....
PS, I have posted on the Pololu website, and left 2 emails there.· No response.
They sent me a replacement and it did the exact same thing, I tried two different motors, two different power supplies and even a battery, no help. After much troubleshooting, measurements and lengthy discussions with their tech support on the issue, I got tired of gnashing my teeth trying to figure out why their controller didn't work and just canned it.
When I asked for a refund, they (Pololu) refused and accused me of breaking it and not knowing what I was doing. Nice huh? Consequently, I no longer buy anything from them.
My advice is to just get Parallax's HB-25, if Parallax designs something, you can bet it will work as advertised.
Post Edited (NickelPlate) : 3/25/2006 5:04:33 AM GMT
Finally Parallax shipped thier motor controllers.· Hooked them up and had the motors working within 5 minutes.· They are great.
I posted on thier forum.· They never answered.· I had to send 5 emails to Pololu to get a bad answer,·finally got an·answer after·I specifically said:" could you answer my post on the forum."· The answer they gave was incorrect.· I called them, they never called back.· I'm surprised that Parallax offers thier products.
I'm writing it up to tuition, and a·punitive fee for not having the patience to wait for the Parallax product.·· ·Lesson learned: Parallax quality, Parallax support.·
I have tried to post on Support Pololu forum, so I have registered on the website two days ago...until now I didn't receive the confirmation to aprove my registration, so I can't even post my problems on their site.
I have excelent experiences with several others products from Parallax, so it is a real surprise to find here so bad products and so bad support from Pololu, because I assumed Pololu was valited as a good supplier by Parallax.
I reccomend to try another option than Pololu when you need a motor controller. Bad support must have cost in the users preferences.
best regards
The next robot I build will have stepper motors
I used this to configure it
SEROUT 14,84,[noparse][[/noparse]$80,2,0]
pause 100
Low 14
Pause 1
High 14
pause 100
SEROUT 14,84,[noparse][[/noparse]$80,0,1,75]
And for some awesome reason that makes both motors spin !! Even though it should be configured for 2 motors 0 and 1 !!! Oh then both motors just stop spinning, just for the hell of it. It's awesome, I have been playing with it for 3 hours now and never made it do one thing reliable except the same crazy unknown behavior. I am using it with the Tamiya 70097, with both motors out to give less resistance.
Post Edited (Cheeto) : 6/26/2006 8:10:09 PM GMT
edit: they are sending me another SN754410NE yeah!! lets see if it works after that
Post Edited (Cheeto) : 6/26/2006 9:14:38 PM GMT