Adding PIC Co-processor
Posts: 250
·········· This is probably not the correct place for this question, but if someone knows and can give me some info. That would be great! I am thinking of getting a PIC Programmer so that I can add PIC’s as coprocessors to my projects and take some of the load off the basic stamp. Can changes be made to PIC programs and the PIC’s themselves be reprogrammed as easy as a Basic Stamp Module or does a PIC have to be erased in some manner before it can be reprogrammed? If anyone has done any work with PIC’s and can give me an answer I sure would appreciate it.
·········· This is probably not the correct place for this question, but if someone knows and can give me some info. That would be great! I am thinking of getting a PIC Programmer so that I can add PIC’s as coprocessors to my projects and take some of the load off the basic stamp. Can changes be made to PIC programs and the PIC’s themselves be reprogrammed as easy as a Basic Stamp Module or does a PIC have to be erased in some manner before it can be reprogrammed? If anyone has done any work with PIC’s and can give me an answer I sure would appreciate it.
Parallax has made several "helper/app" chips for the basic stamp and Prop-1 using the SX. And I believe the code is available for them.
"SX-Video·Module" Now available from Parallax for only $28.95
"SX-Video OSD module" Now available from Parallax for only·$49.95
Product web site:
"Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there."
It must be mentioned that the SX chip, another Parallax product, fits the "co-processor" bill quite nicely. It is quick, has great documentation and support, can be programmed in assembly or a very PBASIC-like dialect (again, provided and supported for free by Parallax and these fora), and the only hardware you need to program them is just $30.
Truly Understand the Fundamentals and the Path will be so much easier...
All Williams makes a line of PIC-based co-processors for the Stamp, if you aren't dying to roll your own ( As Tom said, any PIC with an F in it has a Flash memory and can be re-programmed MANY times.
Peter C. Charles
Director, Research and Technology
CyberBiota, Incorporated
There are also PICs which can be set up to be re-programmed without the aid of a separate harware programmer. Check the MicroChip web site for complete information regarding ICSP (In Circuit Serial Programming) for more details. Here are just the MicroChip Applications Notes on that topic:
Bruce Bates
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Just buy the Blitz and use SX/B or buy the whole package and read a few books.
Take a look at for software support.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
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