Using the USB PSC on WinXP through a term program
I have not been able to successfully get anything out of my USB PSC through a terminal program. I downloaded "Bray's" terminal program suggested in another post and set the port to 2400 8N1 (and every combination I could think of) and left handshaking off. I sent the command "!SCVER", "!SCVER?", !SCVER, !SCVER? and many other varients, and I am not getting anything back. Is there some magic trick to talking to this through a terminal program? TIA!
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
The green light on the board flashes whenever I type something in. I guess my main concern is probably what the connection settings are supposed to be. 2400 8N1, 38400 8N2, Any terminal emmulation, CR/CR-LF, Flow Control, etc. That's the only thing that I can think of that I do not have set correct. That and maybe I am not issuing the correct command?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Chris is saying: "!SCVER?" <== with a trailing question mark
You are saying: "!SCVER" <== WITHOUT a trailing question mark
Which is actually being sent?
Bruce Bates
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I have sent both. Here's a quick rundown of the commands that I have sent to no avail. (Please forgive my ignorance, I just started playing around yesterday)
When I am connected in the terminal program, what I type is being echoed back to me and the activity light on the board flashes. I am assuming I have my terminal settings wrong, but I do not know what they should be.
The perversity of nature is nowhere better demonstrated by the fact that, when
exposed to the same atmosphere, bread becomes hard while crackers become soft.