No Stamp Found - Help
Ok i've produced some boards for a project.· When·I program them,·about 20% I get the "NO Stamp FOund" message.· I retouch all the·joints with an iron and checked continuity ( I Think).· The stamps program fine in·a BOE board so I think they are good.· Once programed they will communicate with Debug screen whe reurned to my board and communicate with·Stampplot via the serial cable.·It lloks like the stamps are good, the stamp transmit circuit is good, so im guessing·it in teh PC transmit side.
I used the latest comm circuit posted with two .1uf caps and a resistor on my board.
Oddly once·programed one up on a BOE board,·i could get it to download into my board after that????
1) how can i better trouble shoot this problem·( what should·the signals look like on a scope)
2) why would one program ok after downloading in the BOE
Any ideas.
I used the latest comm circuit posted with two .1uf caps and a resistor on my board.
Oddly once·programed one up on a BOE board,·i could get it to download into my board after that????
1) how can i better trouble shoot this problem·( what should·the signals look like on a scope)
2) why would one program ok after downloading in the BOE
Any ideas.
·· So if you connect the cable from the·BOE where it downloads fine·into your board (The same cable) it fails during download?· If so it has got to be a connection or connections on your board.· Of course with custom boards it's nearly impossible to troubleshoot since we don't have the board here.· If you had it made via ExpressPCB you could post the file so we could look at it.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support