boebot search and destroy
im trying to get my boebot to roam around a room searching for objects in it.
imagine a museum space with sculptures placed randomly around the room.
i want the boebot to locate an object and move in on it.
(im using the sumoboebot.bs2 app pg.266 in boebot book)
when the boe bot gets about 4 inches away from the object i would like it to stop
and then carry out some other function then have it move on to find another object.
i want it to search for an object and then destroy it...
i am new to coding so im not very suave at merging different commands or programs.
im thinking that i can combine the sumoboebot.bs2 with some kind of distance detection prgm.(p.271)
so when the bot gets the object in zone1 it stops "destroys" it then turns around and keeps searching.
if i could get some advice as to what bs2 programs i should be looking at i would love it or some
ideas on how i can make this happen!
also... is there anyway to have the boebot not recognize the walls as an object but
still have it steer away from them?
right now the boebot is guided by IR but i have a sonar on the way.
(hmmm im gonna test this out... but if i wanted my boebot to roam the perimeter of a space in a clockwise direction could i just have it go straight when the left ir detects something, turn right when both ir's detect i think it would)
imagine a museum space with sculptures placed randomly around the room.
i want the boebot to locate an object and move in on it.
(im using the sumoboebot.bs2 app pg.266 in boebot book)
when the boe bot gets about 4 inches away from the object i would like it to stop
and then carry out some other function then have it move on to find another object.
i want it to search for an object and then destroy it...
i am new to coding so im not very suave at merging different commands or programs.
im thinking that i can combine the sumoboebot.bs2 with some kind of distance detection prgm.(p.271)
so when the bot gets the object in zone1 it stops "destroys" it then turns around and keeps searching.
if i could get some advice as to what bs2 programs i should be looking at i would love it or some
ideas on how i can make this happen!
also... is there anyway to have the boebot not recognize the walls as an object but
still have it steer away from them?
right now the boebot is guided by IR but i have a sonar on the way.
(hmmm im gonna test this out... but if i wanted my boebot to roam the perimeter of a space in a clockwise direction could i just have it go straight when the left ir detects something, turn right when both ir's detect i think it would)
Or. You could make the objects eminate a ir pulse. when you "destroyed" it it would stop emiting the pulse. this would of course mean that a bs2/bs1 would have to be in each object
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
How would you stop the 555 timer from emitting the pulse after the robot "destroyed" it
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
In the end, it seems that it's all about getting the LEDs to blink....
2. the possibility of giving the objects (sculptures) an IR pulse sounds good. it's probably the best solution for what i want to do. but the objects might not be mine so i wont be able to alter them. however, i don't think anyone is going to let me do what i want to do to their art.
so the boebot will track an emitted IR signal being pulsed from a timer on an object.
when it bumps into the object or gets within a certain distance the boebot will stop
and carry out some actions, which may or may not 'kill' the object and its signal.
hmm how can i get the bot to stop a few inches away from the object emitting the signal?
(yes it's true... it's going to seek out the art and pee on it. then pee on it self.)
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