help mobile sumubot control!
hello all
we interested with sumubot robot , we know that it can control wireless with eb500 via bluetooth
but we want to know if we can control the rebot with mobile phone??
if it·can be done??> how we can do it??
if there is some example ??
or some web site can help??
and thank you
· help
we interested with sumubot robot , we know that it can control wireless with eb500 via bluetooth
but we want to know if we can control the rebot with mobile phone??
if it·can be done??> how we can do it??
if there is some example ??
or some web site can help??
and thank you

The least expensive solution is with an IR-Buddy and a Radio Shack universal remote control. The IR-Buddy 'understands' Phillips RC-5 IR signalling, so you set the Universal Remote for Phillips and now you can send button presses to the Sumobot.
I believe the least expensive RF solutions are in the $100 range and up.
and i hope be able to control sumobot with mobile via bletooth
i have sumobot and eb500 whitch add bluetooth to the robot
but i want some one to help me be because i am not found example about this field
yes, my phone supported java and i have good idea about j2me ,
but i have no idea about basic stamp ,just the command in stamp book which available to download in parallax
i want to ask if i can control sumobot just by mobile ???
and i will begin with my project and i will tell you what will·done with me.