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Yet another strange serial LCD — Parallax Forums

Yet another strange serial LCD

linocklinock Posts: 31
edited 2008-03-17 17:44 in BASIC Stamp

After all the bad luck i used to have with lcd especially the graphic one, i bought a little serial lcd but as my local reseller doesn't provide parallax i can't find how to wire it. It show 8 pins on it, i have the documentation but this means nothing to me i mean when compared to a classic rs232 computer signals.

The power and backlight is ok, the remaining pins are a bit mysterious to me.

here's how it goes :

Pin 1
Pin 2
Pin 3
CS (means chip select) (do i need it ?)
Pin 4
SID (serial input data) (Rx ?)
Pin 5
CLK (serial clock) (what's that ?, do i need it ?)
Pin 6
SOD (serial data output) (Tx ?)
Pin 7
K (Backlight - )
Pin 8
A (Backlight +)

So is this usable as a "normal" serial lcd ?
Where should i connect CLK and CS ?

So far i only connected the pin 4 of the Lcd to the pin 0 of the BS2 and i simply wanted to try the example serout "Hello World"
What did i missed ?

Thanks for tips [noparse]:)[/noparse]

Post Edited (linock) : 2/17/2006 7:05:19 PM GMT


  • neotericneoteric Posts: 144
    edited 2006-02-17 19:13
    Could you provide the model number or type of LCD this is?· Maybe we could find a datasheet for it.
  • linocklinock Posts: 31
    edited 2006-02-17 19:28
    Sure i can here's the page of the product and the datasheet can be found here

    On the page they are talking about SPI / TTL / C-MOS or TTL 5 V
  • linocklinock Posts: 31
    edited 2006-02-17 20:51
    i found a sample code for this serial lcd but it's designed for pic cry.gif
  • karbonuskarbonus Posts: 11
    edited 2006-02-17 21:06
    CS selects the LCD for use. I think you should drive CS low to select the LCD, but this might suspend it. If it does, then drive it high.

    As for the serial clock, this keeps the LCD and master (BS2) in sync. I don't know how you use it though.
  • Bruce BatesBruce Bates Posts: 3,045
    edited 2006-02-17 21:28
    linco -

    Here are just some general comments about the use of this LCD. The LCD controller is a Samsung KS-0074. It operates with a synchronous serial interface. I suspect you will need to use SHIFTIN and SHIFTOUT to access this LCD. The data fields sent to this LCD appear to be 8 bits long, with each bit having a certain significance when an instruction is sent.

    Pages 8, 9, and 10 show the various commands that you can send to the LCD controller. Within that set of commands there are a number of commands that will be needed to initialize this LCD to the proper configuration before use. Typical of these may be number of LINES (1,2, 4), number of CHARACTERS (10, 16, 20, 40), CURSON ON|OFF, etc.

    Once the LCD is configured and ready to go, there appears to be a burst mode where you can just output continuous data to the LCD and have it displayed. Unless otherwise configured, this data would be continuous and contiguous.

    I suspect SIN and SOUT can be tied together, since the Stamp can only INPUT or OUTPUT during any given SHIFTIN/SHIFTOUT cycle, it can not do both. Some processors are capable of doing both.

    I'm sorry but I have no sample code to offer you.


    Bruce Bates

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  • TiboTibo Posts: 81
    edited 2006-02-17 22:02
    ok, i'm french and here is what i've found (not my code):
    Ce programme en basic stamp bs2 permet d'afficher un message
    sur un afficheur s
  • linocklinock Posts: 31
    edited 2006-02-17 22:02
    Thank you to have looked at this lcd Bruce and Karbonus but all this is a kind of martian language for me... confused.gif i feel that this has something like a stack of data which is sent part after part that's why they call it serial in opposition to parallel mode which sends all in the same time probably but this is the only thing i understand.
    I kept searching and i found a description of what is SPI : "SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) is synchronous, full duplex, serial protocol.
    It is widely used as board-level interface between different devices such as microcontrollers, DACs, ADCs and other."

    Ok thanks a lot about the example Tibot roll.gifhop.gif

    Post Edited (linock) : 2/17/2006 10:05:33 PM GMT
  • Bruce BatesBruce Bates Posts: 3,045
    edited 2006-02-17 23:05
    linock -

    What you seem to be missing is that there are TWO common types of serial data transmission methods or protocals which are used with microcontrollers. Here is a short summary of each one:

    The first is asynchronous serial data transmission and is probably the one with which you have the most familiarity. it's also known (incorrectly) as RS-232 data transmission, but it's actually much broader than just RS-232. The PBASIC Stamp uses SERIN and SEROUT to access such devices. The "clock" is contained within the data which is sent. There is usually a Tx (transmit) line and an Rx (receive) line to permit bi-directional data transfer. There are also control lines available for permitting flow control between two asynchrounous serial devices. Simplex (one way), half-duplex (non-concurrent bidirectional), and full duplex (concurrent bidirectional) transmissions are all possible, but the PBASIC Stamp only supports the first two.

    The second type of serial data transmission is known as synchronous serial data transmission. This is also called by various other names such as SPI. Microwire, Dallas/Maxim 3-wire, etc. Each of those protocals just mentioned have the same general characteristics which follow. The clock is separate from the data and is carrried on a conductor of its own. The data is also separate, and it too is carried on a separate conductor of its own. The PBASIC Stamp uses SHIFTIN and SHIFTOUT to access this type of synchronous serial device. There are no control lines, and usually transmissions are simplex or half-duplex. There are some processors and devices which will support full duplex transmission however. Again, the PABSIC Stamp only supports the first two.

    There are also some more specialized synchronous serial protocals such as I2C which is a proprietary protocal owned by Philips Semiconductor. This protocal follows the general synchronous serial data transmission features, but also includes inherent device addressing. The device to be read from or written to, has its unique address contained within the transmitted data stream in a formal manner.

    I hope that gives you a better idea of the various forms of serial data transmission applicable to the PBASIC Stamp.


    Bruce Bates

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  • linocklinock Posts: 31
    edited 2006-02-18 06:52
    Thank you Bruce, this is clear and the other clear thing is that if the code i didn't yet tried yesterday, i'll do this morning, doesn't work, then i will try to add a max232 between the lcd and the BS2 or smoke signals to make this lcd work. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
  • linocklinock Posts: 31
    edited 2006-02-18 08:43
    ah Smile it doesn't work sad.gif

    here's the code i adjusted to work with bs2 sx


    '{$STAMP BS2sx}
    '{$PBASIC 2.5}

    Chip PIN 0 ' CS Pin 3 of the lcd
    Dat PIN 1 ' SID Pin 4 of the lcd
    Clock PIN 2 ' CLK Pin 5 of the lcd

    x VAR Byte 'Compteur Tableau => array index
    idx VAR Byte 'Compteur rotation octet => byte rotation counter
    stri VAR Byte(10) 'Format Tableau => array setter
    datL VAR Word
    datH VAR Word

    stri(4)="O":stri(5)=" ":stri(6)="!"


    DIR1 = %00000111 'set the LCD pin to output (is this right for pins 0,1,2 to be on output ?)

    HIGH Chip
    HIGH Clock
    LOW Dat

    PAUSE 1000
    LOW Chip 'Chip bas

    SHIFTOUT Dat,Clock,0,[noparse][[/noparse]31,1,0] 'Les cinq 1 + CLS => Ther five ones + CLS
    SHIFTOUT Dat,Clock,0,[noparse][[/noparse]12,0,95]'activation LCD (low dat, up dat.) + Pr
  • Bruce BatesBruce Bates Posts: 3,045
    edited 2006-02-18 10:00
    linock -

    In what way doesn't it work, nothing is displayed? How do you have the LCD wired?

    I'm not sure whether your comment about the MAX-232 was a joke or not, but this is NOT an RS-232 set-up, so the MAX-232 would be totally inappropriate.


    Bruce Bates

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  • linocklinock Posts: 31
    edited 2006-02-18 10:38
    Lol the max232 apart providing more complexity would definitely bring nothing more as the lcd is not rs232 compliant [noparse]:)[/noparse]

    Unfortunately nothing is displayed, not even some garbage.
    The lcd is wired as following
        BS2sx pin                   LCD pin
                                 1 (- Lcd Power)
                                 2 (+Lcd Power)
              P0   ------------- 3 (CS / chip select)
              P1   ------------- 4 (SID / Serial data input)
              P2   ------------- 5 (CLK / Clock)
                                 6 (SOD / Serial data output)
                                 7 (- Backlight)
                                 8 (+ Backlight)

    I'm suspecting the DIRS instruction where the values are not on the expected pins but i'm not sure about this...
  • Bruce BatesBruce Bates Posts: 3,045
    edited 2006-02-18 12:36
    linock -

    To be exactly correct, there is no DIRS statement in the program, per se, but there is a DIR1 statement which probably isn't doing what you want it to do. DIRS1 sets the pin direction of pin port 1 ONLY. Configured as it is, an error message would have been nice, but I can see why it doesn't.

    Here are the pin direction status that you should be setting:

    Chip = Output, as this is the CS or Chip Select line
    Dat = Input, this is data being received from the chip. If SHIFTIN/SHIFTOUT is used, it will set it accordingly, and appropriately.
    Clk = Output, as this is the clock being supplied to the LCD by the Stamp. If SHIFTIN/SHIFTOUT is used, it will set it accordingly, and appropriately.

    What voltage are you applying to VDD (power supply for the LCD) and A (power supply for the LED)?

    The following line in the above program makes no sense to me, AND it's part of the INITIALIZATION code!

    SHIFTOUT Dat,Clock,0,[noparse][[/noparse]31,1,0] 'Les cinq 1 + CLS => Ther five ones + CLS

    At first the "31" made no sense, until I realized this was LSB FIRST mode, so that's fine I guess but a bit ... hidden if you will. As far as the 1 and the 0 are concerned, I don't see how that's any sort of CLS, but I'm not all that familiar with this whole notion of synchronous serial LCD's. If I were coding this attempt at initialization, I might opt for something like this, which is a bit more self evident, but may be WRONG!:
    'Note: LSB FIRST mode is used below, so mentally decipher bits backwards!
    ' 0001 1111 1000 0000 0100 000
    SHIFTOUT Dat, Clock, 0, [noparse][[/noparse] $1F, $80, $40 ] 'Les cinq 1 + CLS => Ther five ones + CLS

    Good LUCK! smile.gif


    Bruce Bates

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  • linocklinock Posts: 31
    edited 2006-02-18 13:19
    The code isn't my own, i simply assigned PIN 0, PIN 1, PIN 2

    Well all this is too messy on my mcu newbie level confused.gif
    So i think i've been owned by the reseller which played a little bit with words calling this sh*t serial lcd, there will be no next time i go buy something from there mad.gif
    One more lcd going to /dev/null
  • Bruce BatesBruce Bates Posts: 3,045
    edited 2006-02-18 14:03
    linock -

    I can certainly understand your being upset, as I'm fairly knowlegable and _I_ wouldn't want to have to deal with this particular device, unless I absolutely had to. IF we had a well documented example, for ANY MCU, it would be one heck of a lot easier. So too, if the manufacturer had some flowcharts or examples in the datasheet.

    Sadly, it IS a SERIAL LCD (as I explained), it's just not an RS-232 compatible LCD <sigh>. I can see how you could easily be hookwinked however!
    If the LCD is still in salable condition, I'd bring/send it back, and ask for credit TOWARDS a 2 x 16, RS-232 compatible LCD of similar quality. If they can't or won't do that, just ask for your money back in full. Next step would be to contact these folks:

    as they are an alternate Parallax dealer in France. If France, per se, would not your optimal choice of countries from which to purchase, here is the list of ALL the Parallax Distributors, worldwide:

    This is the RS-232 compatible, serial LCD that Parallax presently offers:
    (non backlit)

    Here is another alternative which can be used with nearly any Hitachi HD44780 LCD, and there are TONS of them on the surplus market:

    Once there, punch up EDE IC's and choose "LCD Screen Control". These are RS-232 Serial ==> Parallel mode LCD Interface chips. You use ordinary SEROUT commands from the PBASIC Stamp, and the EDE-70x Interface chip takes care of all the details for you. Wiring is quite straightforward. Certain control commands (which see) are also supported. As much as I may hate to say this, due to your present situation, Selectronic, France SHOULD have these EDE Interface chips as well.


    Bruce Bates

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  • linocklinock Posts: 31
    edited 2006-02-18 14:25
    Thanks for the informations, the only responsible of this adventure is me.
    I know i've been too fast to order probably because i was searching keywords as Basic stamp and 2 x 16 serial and found this without paying more attention to the TTL and SPI words.
    Anyway thank you for the links smile.gif
    I'll check them.
    About additionnal modules i saw this kind of hardware elsewhere but it was not what i was searching at the moment i saw them.
    Now ok this situation is frustrating not because of the price but more because of what i have to do is delayed again and again because the most little shop is far from the red neck's area where i live lol.gif
    So i'll have to go in Paris again to get this hardware quickly shakehead.gif

    Again thank you for your kind support [noparse];)[/noparse]
  • PJAllenPJAllen Banned Posts: 5,065
    edited 2006-02-18 16:37
    I believe that the Parallax LCDs previously referred to as "RS-232 compatible" are actually TTL-level (0, 5V).
    Serial -- Yes, ASCII -- Yes, Asynchronous -- Yes, RS-232 -- No.
    You connect them directly to the STAMP I/O.

    Post Edited (PJ Allen) : 2/18/2006 5:19:22 PM GMT
  • linocklinock Posts: 31
    edited 2006-02-18 19:40
    Connecting them to I/O directly is what is already done on P0, P1, P2
    So is this means that there's a chance that some example code exists somewhere ?

    After all i was joking about adding a max232 but when i look at it's datasheet i see this component converts TTL into RS232, remains the clock to deal with but i don't know if it could be usable.
    I looked in the serial lcd direction to save some I/O and some code too.

    Post Edited (linock) : 2/18/2006 7:44:43 PM GMT
  • PJAllenPJAllen Banned Posts: 5,065
    edited 2006-02-18 20:11
    The Parallax LCDs are, as I wrote, serial-asynchronous input.· If your LCDs are 'SPI', they're not the same, because SPI is serial-synchronous (hence the serial-clock pin -- there is a clock bip for each data bit.)· If you buy one of the Parallax LCDs you'll drive its serial input directly from a STAMP pin.· You'll use SEROUT commands, super simple stuff.

    Why can't you run Tibot's program by just changing the Directive?

    Here's how I think it should be hooked up.· The LCD should have its own 5V supply, but the Ground from the LCD should be connected to the STAMP's Ground (VSS), too.

    I could be wrong, but I think the CS pin on the LCD could be connected to Ground with no connection to the STAMP I/O.· You would only need it if you were going to "talk" to two or more LCDs (they would share DATA & CLOCK, but they would only care when their own CS = LO/0V.)

    Post Edited (PJ Allen) : 2/18/2006 8:41:37 PM GMT
    360 x 354 - 32K
  • linocklinock Posts: 31
    edited 2006-02-19 10:00
    This is the exact wiring diagram showing how the lcd is actually connected to the stamp.
    The stamp and the lcd are powered with a simple PC psu i recycled for this use, so they have both a clean 5v and they are also grounded on the same 0v, i mean lcd and the stamp.
    About the angeliz program, i understand how it roughly works but i believe more there's something wrong with the pins assignment which are probably not set as they should in my case.

    Post Edited (linock) : 2/19/2006 10:03:01 AM GMT
  • PJAllenPJAllen Banned Posts: 5,065
    edited 2006-02-19 14:47
    · I saw that there·is a difference between the Pins used for CLK, CS, and DATA in your program vs. Tibot's.· I didn't compare your programs line-by-line.· However, since Tibot's "worked" (?) and you made some revisions...

    · The drawing I provided was for Tibot's program, yours is not the same.· If you are running your program with the drawing that I provided, then it definitely won't work.· It seems that Tibot's program ("angeliz") should work if the LCD & Stamp are connected as in my sketch.
  • linocklinock Posts: 31
    edited 2006-02-19 16:59
    Hello, i didn't made a revision,i'm too little to play with code, i only moved the pins assignement in top of the program to make them reflect how they were soldered just because of no scheme with the code, so without knowing which pins are what it's difficult to imagine something to work [noparse]:)[/noparse]
    I'll give it a last try, i must swap cs and clk, we will see what it will say...i'm crossing fingers blush.gif
  • linocklinock Posts: 31
    edited 2006-02-19 17:36
    Ok so with a simple copy/paste, sent the program as is to the stamp, the lcd is wired as shown on your scheme.
    Unfortunately nothing better, the lcd remains silent, i suspect this lcd was already dead, it even doesn't show the test blocks and when i think about it, it never showed them.
    There's only the backlight and there's not a shade of life sign.
    So this lcd will go with the other garbage of electronic things i have, i will at least recycle the led backlight.

    Next is a simple pic16f84 + max232 associated with a parallel lcd, schemes are improved and at least those hitachi controllers are better documented on the internet than the don't know who's make spi lcd i bought, it was straightforward to go to pic solution, i'll remember this for later smile.gif

    Post Edited (linock) : 2/19/2006 6:08:53 PM GMT
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2006-02-19 17:39
    The datasheet for the LCD could resolve this, however I wanted to point out that I have seen displays that are both SPI (synchronous serial) and asynchronous serial.· For example I have been working with the Noritake VFD models recently which have both versions, some·also have parallel along with both serial connections.

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Tech Support
  • linocklinock Posts: 31
    edited 2006-02-19 17:58
    There's one datasheet about this damn lcd but there's nothing to do with it, the sample code kindly provided by Tibot is certainely ok but maybe outdated to be used with bs2 sx ?
    This lcd is using a clock entry, probably the sx is too fast so the timings are incorrect with this program ?
    However imho this lcd is not worth to spend so much time on it.
    Even if a day it worked, when i see it's function principle i'm pretty sure it'll be a lazy lcd taking ages to display something and time eating inside the stamp, this is what i wished to avoid.
  • TiboTibo Posts: 81
    edited 2006-02-19 20:16

    To be sure : when you look at the LCD front panel, in the lower right corner there's a label : HAC-162J ?
    When looking at the back panel, in the middle there's a label : E164671(S)1 ?
    8 pins ?

    If yes, youre lucky, I've found and tested the code below. It's a fast code, so you will have to adapt it to your needs, and it works. tongue.gif
    Here it is :

    I use a BS2e and a Board of Education Rev. B.
    Pins connections :
    - BS2 P0 = LCD 4 = DataIn (from BS2 to LCD) = Din
    - BS2 P2 = LCD 5 = CLK (Clock)
    - BS2 P3 = LCD 3 = CS (Chip Select)
    LCD 1 = VSS (BoardOfEducation VSS)
    LCD 2 = VDD (BoardOfEducation VDD)

    CLK CON 2
    Din CON 0
    CS CON 3
    Sync VAR Word
    Preby VAR Word
    Secby VAR Word
    '-------- Init LCD ---------
    main :
    High CS
    Pause 10
    Sync = %00011111 'Command 
    Preby = %00001000 '$38 8 Bites
    Secby = %00000011
    Gosub LCDWr
    Pause 10
    Sync = %00011111 'Command 
    Preby = %00001100 '$0D Display on cursor off
    Secby = %00000000
    Gosub LCDWr
    Pause 10
    Sync = %00011111 'Command 
    Preby = %00000001 '$38 Clear screen
    Secby = %00000000
    Gosub LCDWr
    Pause 10
    Sync = %00011111 'Command 
    Preby = %00000111 '$38 8 Bites
    Secby = %00000000
    Gosub LCDWr
    '-------- Display characters -----------
    Pause 10
    Sync = %01011111 ' RS=1 Data 
    Preby = %00000100 '$54 = T
    Secby = %00000101
    Gosub LCDWr
    Pause 10
    Sync = %01011111 ' RS=1 Data 
    Preby = %00001001 '$54 = I
    Secby = %00000100
    Gosub LCDWr
    Pause 10
    Sync = %01011111 ' RS=1 Data 
    Preby = %00000010 '$54 = B
    Secby = %00000100
    Gosub LCDWr
    Pause 10
    Sync = %01011111 ' RS=1 Data 
    Preby = %00001111 '$54 = O
    Secby = %00000100
    Gosub LCDWr
    Pause 10
    Sync = %01011111 ' RS=1 Data 
    Preby = %00000100 '$54 T
    Secby = %00000101
    Gosub LCDWr
    '------- Write datas ----------
    Low CS
    Shiftout Din, CLK, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]Sync]
    Shiftout Din, CLK, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]Preby]
    Shiftout Din, CLK, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]Secby]
    High CS
    Pause 100

    There's an easy way to display characters :
    1) Download and print the character table for the data sheet you mentionned above (it's the right one).
    2) Before sending a caracter to LCD, you need to send it a command (the Sync variable). When sending a character, the command is 01011111.
    3) In the LCDWr, the two lines Shiftout Din, CLK, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]Preby] and Shiftout Din, CLK, LSBFIRST, [noparse][[/noparse]Secby] are respectively linked to the lines and colums of the character table.
    Ex. If you want to code '?', you first need to find it int the tabel [noparse]:)[/noparse]
    Then, take it's line binary value (HHHH) which means 1111 (H=High=1, L=Low=0).
    Before this value, add four 0, you will then have 00001111 for the Preby variable.
    Then, take it's column binary value (LLHH) which means 0011. Before this value, add four 0, you will then have 00000011 for the Secby variable.

    I hope this will help !

    Ho, by the way, with a little change, the code I first mentionned worked perfectly (the one of P.Jacob
  • linocklinock Posts: 31
    edited 2006-02-19 21:15
    Ah thank you Tibot smile.gif
    Ok so the lcd is exactely the same HAC-162J, behind there's nothing mentionned except again HAC-162J.
    Now looking at the code it seems to more logical, i see the init sequence and mode select.
    I'll try it when i will have moved the pins however i believe that my lcd is definitely dead, there's no blocks as on HD44780 based lcd shown even if it works standalone, i don't know if this is really normal. Thank you very much for the effort done here to make this work [noparse];)[/noparse]
  • linocklinock Posts: 31
    edited 2006-02-19 21:22
    ok it worked in one shot you are a Champion du Monde, so this lcd is not yet dead...
    i will look at the code now that i'm sure it works but compared to a regular rs232 lcd, how do you estimate this one at the performances level ?

    Give me your mail adress in PM please, i will send you this lcd for free as it really doesn't comply with what i'm looking for, this is fair i think after the time you spent to make this work.
    On my side i'll buy again an ordinary 16 x 2 parallel lcd to run with dedicated a pic + max232 as i have those components on the shelf.

    Post Edited (linock) : 2/19/2006 9:49:13 PM GMT
  • TiboTibo Posts: 81
    edited 2006-02-19 23:08
    my pleasure [noparse];)[/noparse]

    Why it doesnt fit you requirements ?
  • linocklinock Posts: 31
    edited 2006-02-20 06:54
    Because it eats too much space, more or less as a parallel lcd does but anyway, i think all this work isn't lost as it could be helpfull to other users, again thank you for your great work and btw, i send you as promised the lcd wink.gif
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