Output voltage
Posts: 2
Is the microcontroler limited to only +5V output or is it possible to get more, say 12V. I need to power a motor which operates at 12V. Just wondering if I'm going to need to devise a circuit to take the output from the stamp and "convert" it to 12V.
And you need a 2nd source for the 12 volt power
First, you need to figure out how much power that 12 motor might use. Power = Watts = AmpsXVolts.
Since you only have the Volts, you need to estimate the AMPs. This can be done indirectly by measuring the resistant in the motor.
Lets say that you measure the motor with a Multimeter and it reads 40 ohms. Using Ohm's law E=IXR, you can plug in two number 12= I x 4 and find out that the motor takes roughly 0.333 amps or 333 milliamps [noparse][[/noparse]way too much for the BasicStamp's limited output of roughly 25ma @ 5 volts.
The motor's power is 12 volts X .333 amps = 4 watts. So you need a Transistor of some kind that will handle 4 watts or more. It is best to get some room for error. So a 10watt MOSfet would probably be very safe.
And if you buy a MOSfet that is rated at 20 or more volts, it will still work too.
A ULN2308 won't work because it is limited to 0.500 watts for the whole device. It will burn up. {just like that Stamp which is limited to .125watts per pin [noparse][[/noparse] .025ma x 5] and I suspect some other limit for all the pins being on at the same time.
Try searching this site for MOSfet and you will come up with some schematics and how to connect safely with the Stamp.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
That's what Kramer is referring to above. There are excellent Nuts&Volts references on the Parallax web site, you might check them out: http://www.parallax.com/html_pages/downloads/nvcolumns/Nuts_Volts_Downloads_V2.asp
Thanks guys