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Any vc or vb programmers out there? — Parallax Forums

Any vc or vb programmers out there?

KC8DKTKC8DKT Posts: 76
edited 2006-02-17 01:05 in BASIC Stamp
·· I have a controler/logger that runs my computer cooling system.· I have a DOS BAT file that echos the time and date to com3 on the start·of windows·then·exits.

Time /t > com3
Date /t > com3
echo DateTime > com3
Time /t > com3
Date /t > com3

This works on the BOE-Com but NOT on the USB-BOE.·· The·problem is·the FTDI USB-Com driver/DLL will not start·from a DOS box.· If I open PBasic edit program"or any program that will access a com port"·then close it and run my DOS program it works fine.·· Would anyone be interested in creating a small VC or VB program to do this?·· MSG me to work out some kind of trade/pay...

sry about the bad english burger.gif


  • AliAli Posts: 1
    edited 2006-02-17 01:05
    Hi I can write you a quick application to do this but i will require a little more information

    1) The Format of time and date is it HH:MM + DD/MM/YYYY ?

    2) Will you ever change your USB Com port or will it stay on com3?

    3)I will need you to tell me a rough routine i.e in what order you want data sent to com3 and how many times because your batch needs a little more explanation!
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