I F M efatcor P L C format to basic stamp
·I have a piece of heavy equitment that is controled by 2 IFM PLCs . The soft ware was ritten enso .I have no way to comunicate or trouble shoot the system .I have no axess to any ladder logic or any other software information.I have an eletrical scmatic thats it .Iv ben in contac with the MFG,IFM, and enso
·no luck· .I would like to reformat with basic stamp.I have a verry limited knolage of computers .What I have learned is froum this machine.It has 2 PLCs and one display unit .It has 7 componants it controls at various times .Any information or help would be greatly
· Thanks rustyiron

What kind of machine is it? If there was more than 1 built, there's probably someone out there with information on your plc's. But its certainly going to tie up time and money.
Without the ladder (either as a paper printout or in software form) its going to be pretty hard to replace it with anything. The only thing you can do then is sit down with the people who use the machine and work backwards to manually generate a listing of all the logic required to make each function work.
I've done this type of conversion for 20 years, and its usually worth it in lower maintenance costs; at least as long as the whole machine is worth keeping!
Give us some more information and we'll try to help.
Just went on the IFMefector web site. All the software is there for the current hardware. Does any of it match yours? Also, if you could match the hardware, you could find out the functionality to replace it if necessary.
What part of the country are you in?
Hopefully, someone will be close enough to get out and see your crusher and other equipment and layout a plan to work with you.
Otherwise, contact me in a Private message and we can set something up.