To the requestor of information on CMUCam color tracking
Paul Baker
Posts: 6,351
Well your outburst caused the admins to erase your post while I was writing a response, Im not going to type it all out again, just type "CMU color tracking" into yahoo and grab the first pdf file listed. Its not the same system, but has some points in it you can use. Your not going to get actual info on the CMUCam because its proprietary and not public information, do general searches on topics such as color histograms and tracking to find relevant information. And in the future do not use crude comments when you dont get your way, in bleeped form or not. If you had restrained yourself and just asked again (politely)·your post would have stayed on the board and you would have gotten some useful tips from me on how to find related information. But now Im leaving you to your own devices, as Jon likes to say "Google is your friend".