Hey MASTERS STAMPERS how do you add a fith servo to BOE
OK for my PING))) Turret I'm on PULSOUT 14. MY PING))) sensor is on 15, and my left and right servos are on 12 and 13. I want to use the gripper servo as well! What I need is a way to use a PULSOUT say 11 or 16 command from the breadboard I know how to to place a servo on the #15 of the bredboard for the ping, but can I use another 10,11,or 16
and if so, can you show me by editing the enclosed BMP I'm not to great with Schematic Diagrams! OK thats a understatement I'm totaly lost!!!LOL And before you say use a servo controler I,m dealing with limited space on my Boe and The fabrication Ive used dosen't have the room!
thanks Guys I LOVE YOUR TOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and if so, can you show me by editing the enclosed BMP I'm not to great with Schematic Diagrams! OK thats a understatement I'm totaly lost!!!LOL And before you say use a servo controler I,m dealing with limited space on my Boe and The fabrication Ive used dosen't have the room!
thanks Guys I LOVE YOUR TOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I know how to to place a servo on the #15 of the bredboard for the ping, but can I use another 10,11,or 16? Try not to laugh to hard at this Kevin, Whats the WAM manual not to great with abbrevatins either!!LOL
Any pin can be used to control a servo. You just need to indicate which pin you want to use in your PULSOUT statement.
Or am I misunderstanding your question?
Truly Understand the Fundamentals and the Path will be so much easier...
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
So I cant use the pulseout 15 command for the gripper in the by pluging it in the built in servo header as I,m sure that would create strange results!
Thanks Guys
I'm now on pin #10 up and running!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
look at the attached picture.
Change the port wire connection (blue wires in the picture) to the desire port (like 10,11 as u have stated earlier or any other port pin which is free).
The only thing required are the three pin header to connect the servo wire jack·on the breadboard.
Alternatively, Instead of port 15 u can change·PING wire connection to port pin 11 or any other free port
and place the gripper servo to the·SERVO PORT·header 15
and·replace·15 with 11 in the coding(or as per your port selection).
Hope this helps.........
Thanks for the pics!!!!!
They helped as well as your reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support