Motor Mind B NOT compatible with Javelin Stamp ?
Posts: 15
After reading Motor Mind B datasheet, it seems it·can only be controlled with PBASIC commands.
Thus I suspect my Javelin Stamp (which used embedded Java) is not going to work with it.
Can anybody comment on this ? Which controller is suitable for interfacing with Javelin ?
And any sample code would be highly appreciated.
Thus I suspect my Javelin Stamp (which used embedded Java) is not going to work with it.
Can anybody comment on this ? Which controller is suitable for interfacing with Javelin ?
And any sample code would be highly appreciated.
your FM and TM connections. The commands are constant values as defined in
the MMB manual (eg. STOP=0x00, SETDC=0x03 etc).
You issue a command by sending 0x55, followed by the commandvalue, followed by
optional parameters (see manual).
The best approach is to write a special MMB class that has methods for all
available commands. You can communicate with a single I/O pin or with
seperate transmit and receive pins. Baudrate is 2400, 8 databits, no parity, 1 stopbit.
You find the manual here
regards peter
One more question.
Right now I want to do a receive from motor mind, so I am using UART receive.
For UART receive I see a SERIAL_RX_PIN and SERIAL_CTS_PIN.
I connect SERIAL_RX_PIN TO 'FM' pin of Motor Mind B. Where do I connect SERIAL_CTS_PIN ?
Just declare your receive uart as
static Uart rxUart = new Uart(Uart.dirReceive,CPU.pin0,Uart.dontInvert,Uart.speed2400,Uart.stop1);
where CPU.pin0 is the datapin (select the pin you want).
Your transmit uart also does not use any handshake pin.
The rxUart datapin connects to MMB TM pin.
The txUart datapin connects to MMB FM pin.
regards peter