Parallax 433Mhz transmitter/receiver range
I'm using a pair of BS2s and·a Parallax 433Mhz transmitter/receiver pair·for an application that sends real-time data from an outbuilding (located 50 feet from a residence) back into·the residence.
Although the specs advertise a range of 150 feet, the signal appears to die just around 40 feet. Is this because the 150 foot range is specified for clear, line-of-sight transmissions?
Any tips that might help me boost the range?
--Donn Morse
Although the specs advertise a range of 150 feet, the signal appears to die just around 40 feet. Is this because the 150 foot range is specified for clear, line-of-sight transmissions?
Any tips that might help me boost the range?
--Donn Morse
I'm feeding the transmitter with the output from the 7805 voltage regulator on a super carrier board. I believe it's holding around 5 volts which is per the·data sheet. (The voltage regulator is fed by a 12V power supply.)
I just noticed in re-reading the data sheet that increased range can be obtained by placing a 1-foot square copper-clad board underneath the circuit and using this as a ground...I need to try this.
whereas I was referring to
I appologize for the confusion...