Hardware Comm Failure
Posts: 128
I'm having problems downloading my program. I keep getting a "Hardware communications failure" error message. I have tried 3 different RS-232 cables, 4 power supplies, a BS2P24/40 Demo Board and a homebrew board & a BS2P24 and a BS2P40. What's funny is that it sometimes works. Actually it has worked for two weeks before the first failure. When I try to Identify the chip after a failure I get a "No" for the echo. I believe its starting to look like my computer.
Any ideas?
Any ideas?
As I said, sometimes I wouldn't have to resort to this additional grounding, and other times I would have to.
Most of the time I am using a 12 volt car battery under my work bench as a pure DC power supply.· I am guessing that there is/was a bad connection on the DB9 connector (which end I don't know) between the computer and the project ground.
Hope this helps
It sounds like there may be a loose connection somewhere if it works some of the time, and not others. I'd stick with the BS2P24/40 Demo Board, one of the straight through RS-232 cables that you trust or that you've checked out, and the most stable of the power supplies.
Continually changing the various components necessary for programming, as you've been doing, is a shotgun approach which will only drive you crazy in the end. Use the most trustworthy components you have, and then try to shoot the problem from there.
Are these RS-232 cables particularly long?
Have you tried more than one computer?
Is this a desktop computer, or a laptop?
Which operating system are you using?
Is the program exceptionally large?
If you haven't tried another computer, look carefully at the one you're using. You might want to make sure the serial port is solid, there are no bent pins, and if it's on a separate I/O card that the card is firmly seated in the I/O slot inside the computer.
If possible try to download the program using a different computer.
Bruce Bates
·· You can find examples of testing your serial port using a home-brew loop back connector by searching Google.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
$40, no guessing, worth every penny.
Thanks Everybody
Tom Smuts