USB BOE-BOT not deteted by windows
Operating System:········ Windows XP
PC Type:······················ Desktop
Product Type:··············· Basic Stamp 2 (Rev G)
Software running:·········· Setup-Stamp-Editor-Lrg-v2.2.5.exe
Version:······················· 2.2.5
Programming board:······ USB Board of Education Development Board (Rev
I am having some issues with my brand new USB BOE-BOT robot kit (#28832) and was really hoping someone could give me a hand.
Simply put, when I plug the USB into my PC it either does nothing or rarely prompts me that an unknown USB device has been plugged in (not the add new hardware wizard, like a device manager error) and if I try to “update the driver” it doesn’t load any of the “” or even “” FTDI drivers (unable to find a match). Sadly this is a new BOE-BOT robot Kit that I got a little while ago (over 30 days but had never opened until last week) so I need to try and determine what part is broken (so I can minimize the replacement costs) – note that I have a Digital Multimeter present if that helps to test connections and so forth…
-········· Is there a way to test and see if my Basic Stamp 2 (BS2) chip is dead or not?
-········· Is there a way to test and see if my Board-of-Education (BOE) is dead or not?
-········· Is there any other tests or ideas you can think of that could help me determine my problem?
Note that in the user manual “Robotics with the BOE-BOT v2.2” there is a mention of a light that goes on when the BOE is plugged in, I have never seen such a light nor do I see where it would originate from? Also, my batteries are brand new “Duracell Ultra Digital AA” (and I tested the ends of each battery with my DMM and they seemed perfectly fine).
Any ideas, thoughts, help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time,
PC Type:······················ Desktop
Product Type:··············· Basic Stamp 2 (Rev G)
Software running:·········· Setup-Stamp-Editor-Lrg-v2.2.5.exe
Version:······················· 2.2.5
Programming board:······ USB Board of Education Development Board (Rev

I am having some issues with my brand new USB BOE-BOT robot kit (#28832) and was really hoping someone could give me a hand.
Simply put, when I plug the USB into my PC it either does nothing or rarely prompts me that an unknown USB device has been plugged in (not the add new hardware wizard, like a device manager error) and if I try to “update the driver” it doesn’t load any of the “” or even “” FTDI drivers (unable to find a match). Sadly this is a new BOE-BOT robot Kit that I got a little while ago (over 30 days but had never opened until last week) so I need to try and determine what part is broken (so I can minimize the replacement costs) – note that I have a Digital Multimeter present if that helps to test connections and so forth…
-········· Is there a way to test and see if my Basic Stamp 2 (BS2) chip is dead or not?
-········· Is there a way to test and see if my Board-of-Education (BOE) is dead or not?
-········· Is there any other tests or ideas you can think of that could help me determine my problem?
Note that in the user manual “Robotics with the BOE-BOT v2.2” there is a mention of a light that goes on when the BOE is plugged in, I have never seen such a light nor do I see where it would originate from? Also, my batteries are brand new “Duracell Ultra Digital AA” (and I tested the ends of each battery with my DMM and they seemed perfectly fine).
Any ideas, thoughts, help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time,
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Note that when I plug it in I do NOT get the Add New Hardware Wizard (just a Device Manager USB error).
That in itself seems really odd.
Is there supposed to be a light somewhere that Power ON when the board is connected?
Is there a way to test if each component is working?
Any ideas?
Post Edited (Shaitan00) : 1/16/2006 12:38:08 PM GMT
What voltage are you reading on your "Duracell Ultra Digital AA" batteries? I'm not familiar with them, so I don't know if they're carbon-zinc, alkaline, NiMH or other rechargables.
If you are getting an "unknown device" error, or something like that, have you tried removing the BOE-Bot, deleting the device in error from Device Manager, then plugging it back in to see if it would reload the drivers?
If so, re-do that entire procedue (deleting the device in error), but on the second time around, DO NOT plug the BOE-Bot back in. Reboot your system first, see if the system will reload the drivers when it re-boots. Then, after the re-boot, try to plug the BOE-Bot back in.
If that procedure then doesn't work, I'd try to delete all of the FTDI drivers that have been loaded to date, and try to start from scratch. You may have gotten two sets of FTDI drivers on the system, parts of which don't "play well" with the other parts.
Bruce Bates
The batteries are AA 1.5V MX1500B4 Ultra Digital (Best Duracell Alkaline for Digital Cameras) is what is written on the box (and when I use my DMM and test each ends I get like ~1.6V). So I assume my Batteries are fine. And they are not rechargebles (warning not to recharge on the back).
I have tried removing the BOE-BOT, rebooting, shuting down my PC, removing the BS2. etc...
To make things sweet, I have tried every combination that I could think of and no effect.
Note that there is no device to delete when I get the "unknown device", it is just a message that appears showing my 2 USB ports, one is UNUSED, the other is UNKNOWN DEVICE. There is no "delete" option - and I have tried this on 3 different PCs, all the same effect.
As for deleting the FTDI drivers (or anything that has to do with that), I don't see how that would work seeing as they never installed in the first place.·I tried the FTDI uninstall and it fails because it cannot find the drivers anywhere.
I got the ADD NEW HARDWARE WIZARD the 1st time I plugged it into my PC but didn't have the DRIVERS so I canceled it and since then I can not get back to that prompt (on the same or any other PC).
Any other ideas?
You replied:
"Note that there is no device to delete when I get the "unknown device", it is just a message that appears showing my 2 USB ports, one is UNUSED, the other is UNKNOWN DEVICE. There is no "delete" option - and I have tried this on 3 different PCs, all the same effect."
Something doesn't make any sense here. Who or what is it that says "unknown device"? Is this the Stamp IDE/Compiler, or the Windows Operating System, or something else?
I steered you wrong before, with the "delete" (actually "remove" on other Windows Systems), and should have offered the following procedure (below) for removing a device showing an error. Sorry for the prior incorrect directions.
If there is or was a true·SYSTEM device error on one of the USB ports in Device Manager (My Computer => Control Panel => System Hardware => Device Manager) should show an error (marked in YELLOW or RED depending on the type of error). If that is the case, with Windows XP, you need to move the mouse cursor to the questionable device, right click the mouse, and choose UNINSTALL. That should completely remove the device from the system. Upon the next re-boot it will be found again.
Deleting this device, whether it appears in error or not,·SHOULD also cause the ADD NEW HARDWARE WIZARD to hopefully re-appear when you re-boot. That is really where you·want be. In any case, this procedure should case no harm, so long as you remeber to re-boot the computer after the procedure.
Just in passing, I didn't realize that none of the prior USB driver·installations were fruitful. I also didn't realize you'd cancelled the New Hardware Wizard on a prior occasion.
Hopefully this will get you going again shortly.
Bruce Bates
The "UNKNOWN DEVICE" error is Windows XP Pro (Operating system) and to get it to appear I need to plug in my BOE-BOT into my PC and then wait a few minutes and Windows (bottom-right corner where the clock is) will pop-up the USB error message (sometimes I need to wait longer for the error, sometimes it happens right away).· Oddly enough there are NO devices in DEVICE MANAGER that are Yellow or Red (checked multiple times) so there is nothing to "remove"... And the error shows me my two USB ports and I cannot remove them (if I try removing the physical USB ports from Windows and reboot they are redetected but not the BOE-BOT).
Personally - I think there may be a hardware failure or something (then again I am a beginnier at BOE-BOTs so going through·old forums posts, etc... trying to find something)·- I just need a way to determine where it is.
I guess there is no easy way to figure it out ... [noparse]:([/noparse] ... I mean just finding out if the BOE or BS2 are getting power isn't enough ... maybe it is the FDTI USB chip? (is that on a special warrenty)?
But to confirm - yes I got the·ADD NEW·HARDWARE wizard once on one of the PCs I tried·(and cancelled it so I could get the drivers from the net) - since then·I cannot get the ADD NEW·HARDWARE wizard anymore (and as·I said I have tried multiple PCs) - Also this means the DRIVERS were never·installed... And I can't find a way to manually FORCE them seeing as there is no recognized device by Windows·XP·PRO (on any of my PCs).·Since then I plug it in, wait for a few minutes, and if I am lucky I will get the USB DEVICE ERROR, if not Windows doesn't recognize anything and I need to unplug it all, and then replug it all and see if Windows gets the error).
Note that there are no circuits, all I did was take it out of the box, put in the BS2, put in the batteries (and plug it in) and then plug in the USB. No lights appeared indicating power... So I am running out of ideas...
I live in Canada (Montreal) so ordering parts is a lenghtly and expensive process and therefore I am trying to not have to re-order a new BOE and BS2 (seeing as I assume there is no warrenty 30+ days with Parallax) or just drop the project alltogether.
BTW·- thanks for the on-going help.
Post Edited (Shaitan00) : 1/16/2006 2:57:22 PM GMT
· Please contact Tech Support at 1-888-997-8267 for further help.· It will be easier to find out what's going on over the phone.· Thanks.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Will do, I'll call tonight from home (where the BOE-BOT is phyisically so we can play with it) - hopefully the helpdesk will still be open at that time (5:30pm EASTERN).
One little thing - while reading old posts everyone talks about a GREEN LIGHT that is supposed to go on when the POWER is on - I have never seen such a light turn on nor do I see where the light would be placed on the BOE. If there is one can you point to where it would be located?
Is there anything needed of me before I call? Other than having the hardware present?
Is there a way I can test to see if any of the 3 following components are working?
- FTDI USB chip
- BS2
If I could do some simple testing then when I call I will have more information handy.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I am pretty sure the light has NEVER gone on - so first question, at what point should the light go on?
(after the Batteries, and USB are connected and I switch to the '1' position)?
If the Light has never gone on (and is still not going on) does that mean my USB BOE is dead?
Could it simply be the BS2 microcontroller itself? Meaning what if the BS2 is dead, would the PWR light go on anyways?
(yes I know, I should call - just having·a hard time waiting for work to be done [noparse]:)[/noparse])
The other is the power LED.· This should come on when the batteries are fresh and the switch is on, regardless of whether or not the USB cable is plugged in.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
And, did you put your meter to the output·connectors of the battery holder with its four batteries installed·(i.e., get 6 volts output)?
There I could test:
a) I plug it into the USB it should work (without a BS2 or the battery pack)
b) I plug in the battery pack and turn it to '1' and the LED should light up (without a BS2 or the USB cable connected)
I will do that before calling to confirm and I will leave the BS2 out of the BOE for now.
PAR - I tested each battery individually and they all gave me a 1.6V difference. Didn't try doing them all-together (to get the 6V) - I will do that when I get to the physical BOE. But even if there wasn't the right voltage the USB should have still worked (as per Chris)
NICE CATCH! It hadn't occurred to me that the batteries might be installed incorrectly!
Bruce Bates
(as per Chris)
So, good idea, but I am still stuck at the same spot [noparse]:)[/noparse]
So that shouldn't be the problem.