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Web Controlled BOE-Bot — Parallax Forums

Web Controlled BOE-Bot

HavoKaneHavoKane Posts: 109
edited 2006-01-19 18:53 in Robotics
ok, have everything i need. what im gonna do, is put my laptop on·a chassis with the BOE. iim going to have the laptop·connected to the BOE. so basicly, i need to know the best way to control the Stamp Editor Debug Menu from another computer. the connection between computers is thru 802.11g. the desktop is connected to the router by cable, and the laptop is connected by wireless. eventually, i want to be able to controll the robot from anywhere over internet, but i want to start small and make it controllable over network first. i already have code to control the BOE over serial. ive done that before. now i am going to mount the laptop on the BOE chassis. and try to control it over LAN. im becoming redundant, so if there are any questions, please ask so i can clarify. thx.


  • HavoKaneHavoKane Posts: 109
    edited 2006-01-16 01:24
    also, i have a webcam, and software to upload live video to a sever. the software is called coffeecup, and i have a server with comcast.
  • DiablodeMorteDiablodeMorte Posts: 238
    edited 2006-01-16 01:34
    Dude. You are doing the SAMETHING as me.. So far I had done the folowing. Tell me were you are in elative to me:

    *BS2/MOTOR Control
    *BS2/LAPTOP Control

    *Laptop Battery(It's dead)
    *Laptop Webcam/Internet
  • HavoKaneHavoKane Posts: 109
    edited 2006-01-16 23:00
    ok, well, im trying to get the webcam working. the camera works, but i cant get the iamges to upload.

    to upload stuff to comcast you use ""
    the directory where i want the pictures to go is "
    the filename is "webcam.html"
    the picture is named "webcam.jpg"

    im using coffecup webcam software. ive used it before, but not on my own webspace, so someone else set it up for me. i dont know what to do. i used the wizard and put all the info in, and it keeps throwing errors at me, error 429 and error 500. can anybofy help me? or point me to better software, ive tried tons of different ones, and i only got one to work, and i could only get it to work on my network, not the internet.

    im going to put everything in my vacan roomba chassis, and i guess i'll control everything thru a remote desktop connection. i know there is a way to make it controlled via a web rowser as well, does anyone know how to do that?
  • DiablodeMorteDiablodeMorte Posts: 238
    edited 2006-01-17 19:33
    As far as controlling it via Internet...I can get you a simple server that would relay messages to your stamp. I would take me a while(maybe 3-4 days) but you could use a standard webbrowser to move your stamp. It would take some php doing but yea.. Anyway. You would need to open a port on your router. DO you know how to do this?

    P.S. I can not guarentee that I will remeber to do this... I do not focus well sometimes. But I'll look into php <-> VB <-> BS2
  • Posts: 4
    edited 2006-01-19 00:15
    DiablodeMorte said...
    As far as controlling it via Internet...I can get you a simple server that would relay messages to your stamp. I would take me a while(maybe 3-4 days) but you could use a standard webbrowser to move your stamp. It would take some php doing but yea.. Anyway. You would need to open a port on your router. DO you know how to do this?

    P.S. I can not guarentee that I will remeber to do this... I do not focus well sometimes. But I'll look into php <-> VB <-> BS2
    Would remote desk top connection (XP) work for this?· I use this every day!!

    Post Edited ( : 1/23/2006 7:07:12 PM GMT
  • mojorizingmojorizing Posts: 249
    edited 2006-01-19 00:38
    To upload images to your host, instead of using "" use their actual DNS XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, the URL of the server. For instance , my web cam images upload to my acct at instead of the unresolved "". Both are equivalent but using the actual number streamlines the process. You can get the URL from comcast.

    What Doug suggest should work, or programs like Laplink, etc.

    When you get mr. robot working, let me know and I'll get you a beer out of your frig. tongue.gif

    Bad spellers of the world untie!
  • DiablodeMorteDiablodeMorte Posts: 238
    edited 2006-01-19 18:53
    DougMM said...
    DiablodeMorte said...
    As far as controlling it via Internet...I can get you a simple server that would relay messages to your stamp. I would take me a while(maybe 3-4 days) but you could use a standard webbrowser to move your stamp. It would take some php doing but yea.. Anyway. You would need to open a port on your router. DO you know how to do this?

    P.S. I can not guarentee that I will remeber to do this... I do not focus well sometimes. But I'll look into php <-> VB <-> BS2
    Would remote desk top connection (XP) work for this??
    YEs... I guess it would. You should try that first. If you can't then I'll work on the php... Note.. I don't think there is any way to use remote destop and a standard browser
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