DC Servos VS Steppers: Identification & Applications.
I have scrounged 2 motors out of a printer, one ID'd as a stepper with 5 leads & works fine. I'm told the other motor, with 4 leads, is a DC Servo. Can someone recommend a way to know for sure that this is a servo and a method for lead identification. I don't quite understand the difference between these 2 motor types and when and where you would use one type Vs another. My only book on the stamp has a good section on steppers but little on servos. A·circuit diagram and elementary code for servos would be ideal. Thanks in advance for your help.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
QH4-4039 28 OHMS
462 OMC
Thanks....no big deal. I'll just treat it like a bipolar stepper and see what happens. It definately has that detent, as you call it.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
The 4-leaded motor is a bipolar stepper, not a DC Servo. The DC servo is fundamentally a 2-leaded DC motor. It has a separate feedback mechanism usually mounted to the rear with separate leads, for instance an encoder.
You may be interested in my recent book on DC Servos. It has code, but not for the Stamp because it is too slow in general for servo update rates. There are Analog and digital servo projects in the book: