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BS2px and Encoders — Parallax Forums

BS2px and Encoders

Rich GreenRich Green Posts: 11
edited 2011-11-21 15:58 in Robotics
I've just installed a BS2px·into my Boe-Bot which is equipped with wheel encoders.· I'm not having any difficulty with the differences in speed and timing between the BS2px and the original BS2.· However, there are two kind of neat programs supporting the encoders that I downloaded from the Parallax that I can't get to work with the BS2px.·

The programs are: botplot.exe and Calibrate_All.exe.· Both programs scan my com ports and then report that they can not locate a running BASIC Stamp program on any serial port.· Both worked just fine with the BS2 and I suspect that they are looking for the BS2 and are unable to sense the BS2px.· I sure would like to use these programs.· Does anyone know of any updates or fixes for this?

Thanks for any help.

Rich Green


  • dmagnusdmagnus Posts: 271
    edited 2011-11-21 15:58
    I am having the same problem. The Calibrate_All.bs2 program seems to have worked fine, but the Calibrate_All.exe can't find my Boe-Bot. My programming interface shows the port number to be Com7. This is a USB Boe-Bot hooked up to a USB port extender. I tried it on one of the actual USB ports and it does the same thing.
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