Frying servos with the Servo Controller. Please Help!
Death Wraith
Posts: 17
I'm just trying to get my PSC(usb version)·up and running but something is wrong. I'm using a regulated 'wal-wart' at 5VDC and 2.0A as the power supply for the servos. I cut off the plug and hooked up what I thought was the positive wire (ribbed with lettering on it) to the + terminal and the other wire (smooth no writing) to the negative. Opened up the usb software which recognized the PSC just fine. Hooked up a Parallax continuos rotation servo, turned on the power button but it wouldn't move when I used the slider on the software. Within a few seconds smoke started pouring out of the case! So I tried reversing my cords, plugging in the ribbed wire to the negative and the smooth to the positive. Hooked up a Hitech 425bb servo and tried to move it with the software. No response and the bottom of the servo case got really hot. I got it turned off before any serious damage I hope.
I can't afford to lose any more servos just testing trying to find the problem. Can anyone help?
I can't afford to lose any more servos just testing trying to find the problem. Can anyone help?
'wal wart'. Now, since you have let some of the smoke out, it is hard to say what condition things are in. Do you have a
voltage meter that you can use to test the proper polarity? ....If not you could always stick the leads in a cup of water with
a pinch of salt. The negative terminal will start to bubble before the positive terminal becomes noticeable.
BTW) I recommend a voltage meter of some kind, be it analog or digital.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.