Parallax Welcomes Lauren Bares, our new Product Marketing Manager

Dear Customers,
Joining our Parallax team·this week is Lauren Bares, our new Marketing Product Manager. Lauren will be taking over many of the marketing duties I've handled·through the last year at Parallax.·You'll find that Lauren is professional, skilled, organized, and·learns about our·products really quickly.·I'm particularly·enthusiastic that Lauren·is joining Parallax·because we'll be more prepared to properly introduce a major product to you this year.
Lauren brings the Parallax staff to 38 people, or 39 if you include our Hong Kong office which is run by Mac Ma.
Welcome to Parallax, Lauren!
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
Joining our Parallax team·this week is Lauren Bares, our new Marketing Product Manager. Lauren will be taking over many of the marketing duties I've handled·through the last year at Parallax.·You'll find that Lauren is professional, skilled, organized, and·learns about our·products really quickly.·I'm particularly·enthusiastic that Lauren·is joining Parallax·because we'll be more prepared to properly introduce a major product to you this year.
Lauren brings the Parallax staff to 38 people, or 39 if you include our Hong Kong office which is run by Mac Ma.
Welcome to Parallax, Lauren!
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.