Connecting PING Sensor with PIC 16f690
Hello all!
I Just recently started working with the PING sensor and the PIC 16f690. Unfortunately I can't seem to get·any response from the PING sensor. I am using the PICs 16-bit timer with a 1MHz system clock. I am hoping to use the RA4 pin to gate the timer based on the return pulse of the PING sensor. I setup the 5us pulse by setting the I/O pin as an output and putting a logic '1' on the line and·a few NOPs (I've tried up to 10us as suggested in some of the documentation I've found on the web). After the pulse, I output a logic·'0' followed by a few NOPs.·From there·I switch the RA4 pin to an input that gates the 16-bit timer. For the output·I simply output the lower 8bits of the timers register·in a loop to some LEDs to see the result, or lack of result right now. I have looked over my code and it seems to be ok. I've tested that the PIC is outputting a TTL compatible voltage (I measure around 4.4V for logic high, and 0.0V for logic low) by putting goto $ (endless loop to nowhere) at those execution points. I've tested the gated input using a simple dipswitch and the counter counts when it is held high and stops when grounded. I read in the PING documentation that there is a green LED that illuminates when a measurement is being taken...I've never seen this on my sensors (I have two now...basically just to make sure I didn't get a faulty sensor). I would imagine though that seeing an 18.5ms blink isn't really perceivable, let alone a 115us I am wondering if this means that the green LED should always be "on" and maybe flutter just to indicate its doing something. Mine is simply off all the time. At this moment I simply have the SIG pin leading into the RA4 I/O pin with a simple wire. I wasn't able to find any info regarding whether or not the PING required pull-ups, ect. Below is my code so far, any help is greatly appreciated:
;*********TMR1 Gate control test
;This code is ment to test the TMR1 Gate control setup for the PING
;sensor. By holding the value on RA4, this will enable to counter.
;The high bits will be monitored.
;*********PING Sensor Test code
;This code sets the PING sensor up by sending a 5us pulse on pin T1G
;as an output, then changed to the input of Timer1Gate to time how long
;the return pulse is comming back. This pulse is between 115us to 18.5ms
;Note the PIC clock rate is set at 1MHz, and Timer1 is set so that it increments
;every cycle or every 1us until TG1 goes low (it is inverted to be active high).
;The counter is 16 bits with a maximum count time of 65.536ms
;The general flow is as follows:
;·Setup PORTA for digi I/O
;·First set PORTA pin RA4 as an output
;·Write a '1' to this pin - !!!CHECK TO SEE IF THIS CAN BE DONE!
;·Hold for 5us
;·Remove '1' from this pin
;·Clear Timer1 registers to 0000h
;·Enable TG1 as active high
;·Set PORTA pin RA4 as TG1
;·Wait (perform other tasks)
;·Check TG1 if it is low·- changed to endless display of lower byte
;·If low get Timer1 high byte and low byte
;··Else check back later
;·Store value in memory
#include <>
PULSE_SETUP·····;Get PORTA ready for PIN RA4 to be out
··bsf··STATUS,RP1··;get to bank 2
··clrf·ANSEL···;make PORTA all digi I/Os
··bcf··STATUS,RP1··;get to bank 1
··clrf·TRISC···;make PORTC all out
··movlw·b'00000000'··;make PORTA all out
··movlw·b'01100001'··;internal clock, 2MHz OSC, 1MHz system, 1us per tick
··bcf··STATUS,RP0··;get to bank 0
··clrf·PORTC···;clear PORTC
··;bsf··STATUS,RP1··;get to bank 1
··;bsf··WPUA,4···;enable weak pull up
··bcf··STATUS,RP1··;get back to reg 0
··movlw·b'00000000'··;put a '0' on the port for transition
··NOP······;wait a little while
··movlw·b'00010000'··;put a '1' on the port
··clrf·TMR1L···;clear TMR1 Low, 6us
··clrf·TMR1H···;clear TMR1 High, 7us
··;goto·$····;TEST output
··movlw·b'00000000'··;clear it 8us
··movwf·PORTA···;cleared, now have 350us until return pulse, 5us - 7us
··bsf··STATUS,RP0··;get to bank 1
··;movlw·b'00110111'··;enable weak pull up on RA4
··movwf·TRISA···;make RA4 input
··;goto·$····;TEST wait here
TMR1_SETUP··;get TMR1 ready
··bsf··STATUS,RP1··;get to bank 2
··;setup CM2CON1 regsiter - already in bank 1
··movlw·b'00000010'··;set TMR1 to be gated by RA4
··bcf··STATUS,RP1··;get to bank 0
··movlw·b'11000001'··;Active High, Gated, max prescale (later 1us per tic), internal clock, TMR1 active
··;movlw·b'00110001'··;enable TMR1
··;btfsc·PORTA,4···;is switch off (0)
··movf·TMR1L,w···;endlessly display whatever is in TMR1L
··movwf·PORTC···;so long as RA4 is High, TMR1L will increment
Sorry that was so long. Thanks again,
I Just recently started working with the PING sensor and the PIC 16f690. Unfortunately I can't seem to get·any response from the PING sensor. I am using the PICs 16-bit timer with a 1MHz system clock. I am hoping to use the RA4 pin to gate the timer based on the return pulse of the PING sensor. I setup the 5us pulse by setting the I/O pin as an output and putting a logic '1' on the line and·a few NOPs (I've tried up to 10us as suggested in some of the documentation I've found on the web). After the pulse, I output a logic·'0' followed by a few NOPs.·From there·I switch the RA4 pin to an input that gates the 16-bit timer. For the output·I simply output the lower 8bits of the timers register·in a loop to some LEDs to see the result, or lack of result right now. I have looked over my code and it seems to be ok. I've tested that the PIC is outputting a TTL compatible voltage (I measure around 4.4V for logic high, and 0.0V for logic low) by putting goto $ (endless loop to nowhere) at those execution points. I've tested the gated input using a simple dipswitch and the counter counts when it is held high and stops when grounded. I read in the PING documentation that there is a green LED that illuminates when a measurement is being taken...I've never seen this on my sensors (I have two now...basically just to make sure I didn't get a faulty sensor). I would imagine though that seeing an 18.5ms blink isn't really perceivable, let alone a 115us I am wondering if this means that the green LED should always be "on" and maybe flutter just to indicate its doing something. Mine is simply off all the time. At this moment I simply have the SIG pin leading into the RA4 I/O pin with a simple wire. I wasn't able to find any info regarding whether or not the PING required pull-ups, ect. Below is my code so far, any help is greatly appreciated:
;*********TMR1 Gate control test
;This code is ment to test the TMR1 Gate control setup for the PING
;sensor. By holding the value on RA4, this will enable to counter.
;The high bits will be monitored.
;*********PING Sensor Test code
;This code sets the PING sensor up by sending a 5us pulse on pin T1G
;as an output, then changed to the input of Timer1Gate to time how long
;the return pulse is comming back. This pulse is between 115us to 18.5ms
;Note the PIC clock rate is set at 1MHz, and Timer1 is set so that it increments
;every cycle or every 1us until TG1 goes low (it is inverted to be active high).
;The counter is 16 bits with a maximum count time of 65.536ms
;The general flow is as follows:
;·Setup PORTA for digi I/O
;·First set PORTA pin RA4 as an output
;·Write a '1' to this pin - !!!CHECK TO SEE IF THIS CAN BE DONE!
;·Hold for 5us
;·Remove '1' from this pin
;·Clear Timer1 registers to 0000h
;·Enable TG1 as active high
;·Set PORTA pin RA4 as TG1
;·Wait (perform other tasks)
;·Check TG1 if it is low·- changed to endless display of lower byte
;·If low get Timer1 high byte and low byte
;··Else check back later
;·Store value in memory
#include <>
PULSE_SETUP·····;Get PORTA ready for PIN RA4 to be out
··bsf··STATUS,RP1··;get to bank 2
··clrf·ANSEL···;make PORTA all digi I/Os
··bcf··STATUS,RP1··;get to bank 1
··clrf·TRISC···;make PORTC all out
··movlw·b'00000000'··;make PORTA all out
··movlw·b'01100001'··;internal clock, 2MHz OSC, 1MHz system, 1us per tick
··bcf··STATUS,RP0··;get to bank 0
··clrf·PORTC···;clear PORTC
··;bsf··STATUS,RP1··;get to bank 1
··;bsf··WPUA,4···;enable weak pull up
··bcf··STATUS,RP1··;get back to reg 0
··movlw·b'00000000'··;put a '0' on the port for transition
··NOP······;wait a little while
··movlw·b'00010000'··;put a '1' on the port
··clrf·TMR1L···;clear TMR1 Low, 6us
··clrf·TMR1H···;clear TMR1 High, 7us
··;goto·$····;TEST output
··movlw·b'00000000'··;clear it 8us
··movwf·PORTA···;cleared, now have 350us until return pulse, 5us - 7us
··bsf··STATUS,RP0··;get to bank 1
··;movlw·b'00110111'··;enable weak pull up on RA4
··movwf·TRISA···;make RA4 input
··;goto·$····;TEST wait here
TMR1_SETUP··;get TMR1 ready
··bsf··STATUS,RP1··;get to bank 2
··;setup CM2CON1 regsiter - already in bank 1
··movlw·b'00000010'··;set TMR1 to be gated by RA4
··bcf··STATUS,RP1··;get to bank 0
··movlw·b'11000001'··;Active High, Gated, max prescale (later 1us per tic), internal clock, TMR1 active
··;movlw·b'00110001'··;enable TMR1
··;btfsc·PORTA,4···;is switch off (0)
··movf·TMR1L,w···;endlessly display whatever is in TMR1L
··movwf·PORTC···;so long as RA4 is High, TMR1L will increment
Sorry that was so long. Thanks again,