Applied Sensor
I noticed that on page 129 of the Applied Sensors manual and in lastest pdf file that Figure 5-4 is incorrect.· It should show the 555 timer·circuit reflected by·the schematic on page 128.· It does show up in chapter 6 on page 151 figure 6-3 with the next added circuit.· I know·Parallax try's to catch as many errors as possible.· Just wanted to let you know if you haven't already seen the error.
Post Edited (ebf306) : 1/4/2006 1:31:37 AM GMT
Post Edited (ebf306) : 1/4/2006 1:31:37 AM GMT
We did catch this one.· I just recently prepped an errata for the current version (1.3), showing the corrections that will be made in the next version (1.4).· The next version is at the print shop now, and the new pdf will be posted on the product page when the books are in.
I have attached the errata below, but if you are on page 129, you have already navigated·most of the·other items!
-Stephanie Lindsay
Post Edited (ebf306) : 1/4/2006 3:19:55 AM GMT