SXKey Error - Communication failed
Ryan C. Payne
Posts: 38
OK. So I'll start off with the fact that I am completely new to working with the SX. Been using the Basic Stamps and Javelin for a while and decided to start playing with the SX next.
I bought the SX Tech kit over the summer and haven't really had a chance to play with it until tonight. I started reading Gunther's "Programming the SX Microcontroller" book and set up the first "experiment". Once I had everything all hooked up and ready to go,·I attempted to program the device. I promptly received a message box with the title "SxKey Error" with a message of "Communication failed : xxx" where xxx was a number. I retried this numerous times with similar results, differing only in the number that is returned. I just ran it again and got "Communication failed : 131".
I've tried using both the traditional serial cable as well as the Keyspan USB to serial converter that I have. I get the same error message with both. I've tried programming both SX28AC devices that I have with the same results.
I have searched the forums and have been unable to find anything on the "Communication failed : xxx" error messages. I am running version 3.10 of the SX-Key IDE on a Windows XP machine. I am using a Radio Shack 3-12 V 800ma Universal Power Supply at 7.5 V to provide power to the SXTech board.
Can anyone think of anything that I am missing? What causes these "Communication failed : xxx" errors?·Thanks for any insight that any one can offer as I am really frustrated right now.·
··· Ryan
Post Edited (Ryan Payne) : 1/2/2006 5:47:19 AM GMT
I bought the SX Tech kit over the summer and haven't really had a chance to play with it until tonight. I started reading Gunther's "Programming the SX Microcontroller" book and set up the first "experiment". Once I had everything all hooked up and ready to go,·I attempted to program the device. I promptly received a message box with the title "SxKey Error" with a message of "Communication failed : xxx" where xxx was a number. I retried this numerous times with similar results, differing only in the number that is returned. I just ran it again and got "Communication failed : 131".
I've tried using both the traditional serial cable as well as the Keyspan USB to serial converter that I have. I get the same error message with both. I've tried programming both SX28AC devices that I have with the same results.
I have searched the forums and have been unable to find anything on the "Communication failed : xxx" error messages. I am running version 3.10 of the SX-Key IDE on a Windows XP machine. I am using a Radio Shack 3-12 V 800ma Universal Power Supply at 7.5 V to provide power to the SXTech board.
Can anyone think of anything that I am missing? What causes these "Communication failed : xxx" errors?·Thanks for any insight that any one can offer as I am really frustrated right now.·
··· Ryan
Post Edited (Ryan Payne) : 1/2/2006 5:47:19 AM GMT
·· Two possible things I can think of based on the information you have provided.· First of all, many of those universal power adapters are noisy.· I have one myself, and on my Radio Shack Scanner it would make all kinds of hum when running off of it.
·· Also, what type of computer?· Laptop or Desktop?· Have you tried disabling the FIFO buffers on the COM Port you're connecting to?· I blieve this also applies for the Keyspan USB to Serial adapter.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
··· Thanks for your quick response. I am using a desktop; a Dell XPS Gen 5 machine. I did try disabling the FIFO buffers on the standard COM port and when I did that it stated that it couldn't find the SxKey at all. I hadn't tried·disabling the FIFO buffers·for the USB to serial adapter. I will try that in the morning, however I am not feeling too confident about it since it didn't work with the standard serial port.
··· Ryan
The one item·that has not been metioned is , make sure that the SX-Key IDE is set to the com port that you have it hooked up to on your computer.
if you do a search from this forum over the last year you will find a number of ideas on this subject...
i had too as i had the exact same problem..
search is in the top right corner...
best of luck
I have verified that I am using the correct COM port on my computer: COM1 for the standard serial cable and then COM3 for the USB to serial adapter.
I have shut off FIFO buffering on both the standard COM port and on the USB to Serial adapter and still receive the same error messages.
I ran out to the neighborhood Radio Shack and bought a 1000uf capacitor and put that in between Vdd and Vss and am still getting these "Communication failed : xxx" messages.
I also tried Gunther's Hyperterminal trick to see that I can talk to the SxKey. I have been able to succesfully do the test with both the standard serial cable and the Keyspan USB to serial converter.
Any other ideas???
Post Edited (Ryan Payne) : 1/2/2006 7:34:46 PM GMT
·· You can contact Tech Support and arrange to have us test it here.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
on mine it doesnt like for that to be in , guess it messes up the sx-keys time
other than that , im lost .... normal occurance for me anyways