Yeah Hawwww My new BS2P40 is FINALLY here!
Kaos Kidd
Posts: 614
After nearly 2 weeks of waiting, after SHMBO authorized it's purchase, it's here...
My first BS2P....
I am SO ready to start 'making' stuff...· [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Ok, I'm done now...
I'll hop off my soft soap box...
After nearly 2 weeks of waiting, after SHMBO authorized it's purchase, it's here...
My first BS2P....
I am SO ready to start 'making' stuff...· [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Ok, I'm done now...
I'll hop off my soft soap box...
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
JK have fun and congrats!
NOTE: the new tag line!·
Until our bytes cross again, may your chips never smoke, your bits never fall off, your parts bin never be empty and your jumpers never fall off.
Thanks for the words of wisdom! Sence the boss ladie agreed to let me go ahead with my plans, I've been studing up on the BS2P40, alone. I have been watching the stamps evolve (spelling error), and decided the P40 would be the best place to 'break' it in on. I've three major thinggies I want to make, and lots of other little 'projects' to try... examples... a block box for a car (imagin how much an insurance company would pay for the proof of what really happened), an Octa-Pod (8 legs) supporting 6 degrees of motion on all 8 legs, the fish tank monitor (I asked about PH measuring already), a xmass light controller (I've read every post on the stamp and pc pased controlers here already)... then theres a 'mass motion' sensor (determins the mass of object in motion -> it would return the 3D vector of the object relitive to it's self, the heading of the mass in motion, and a size vector)
Ahhh... Ok... more later... time to get reading
Until our bytes cross again, may your chips never smoke, your bits never fall off, your parts bin never be empty and your jumpers never fall off.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Without using the demo software... made the digital thermoter project... added the LCD to display the temps then added the custom char (the deg symble) to the lcd display... I got stumped when I tried to imporve it's display to include the decimal (the DS1688 is returning 4 more bits after the decimal), I'm stumped on how to get the fraction and whole number parts to the lcd...
Project #2...
Made the bouncing light (think knight rider) without using demo code... added a button that controls how long the pause is between each step... Ok.. this was fun...
Well, I'm off for the new year... yall have a good one your selves...
Until our bytes cross again, may your chips never smoke, your bits never fall off, your parts bin never be empty and your jumpers never fall off.
A new, what I thought was to be a quick project was to read the remaining oil in my household oil tank. The thought was to measure the pressure of the oil at the 1/2 inch petcock at the bottom of the tank. Knowing that, in this case, the pressure is the weight of the remaining fuel in the tank. Not so quick a project. It appears that the selection of pressure sensors is VERY criticle in this case. Testing with a 55 gallon drum of water, knowing the weight of water per gallon, I was set. At first, I could only get the sensor to make a noticable change when large amounts of water were removed (almost a gallon), and it would only read for 5 or 6 gallons. Next attempts proved to be better: The sensor returned max voltage until the last 3 gallons were in the tank. Then it dropped rapidly, and refused to mesure the last gallon. Grrrr.. Ok, sensor selection is criticle, as well as it's setup. I even thought of using an enclosed tube, pressed stright down into the tank, to read positive pressure. yah, right. Sure. THe differance in pressure from empty (0 mm3) to full (11 mm3) was unreadable in any of the three sensors I have. the only reason I know it's 0 - 11 mm3 is a friend has a sensitive pressure gauge... Anyone have ideas for this one?
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
How about using a PING or other device to measure the distance to the fuel from the top of the tank. Most, if I recall, have a top plug which can be unscrewed. Calibrating the distance to the fuel and correlating this to the gallons remaining might be a little tricky when you get down to the curve toward the bottom, but maybe some math folks could kick in here with the required knowledge. Just a thought...
I did think of this... but the resolution would need to be mm or better. My goal is to have it display partial gallons (liters ?) remaining in the tank (like 23.24 or 351.01) on the lcd. I'm under the impression the PING is +- 1/2 an inch, which would be nearly a gallon (in my tank any way) at the top, and 8ths (1/8) at the bottom. Now, the conversion of inches to gallons is simple enough, I have a chart, and a formula... not the issue... the problem is getting a reading... Hmmm, maybe... does any one know the res of the ping? it's min measurment distance, it's error factor ?
I have a write up, and schematic almost ready to go... I goofed when I was trying to make the code more like a set of routines and now I've got to fix it... again.. [noparse]:)[/noparse] anyway, it will be posted here... (and a single post in projects, with the attached PDF writeup and attached code)....
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
· In short, During the game last night, the untimely event of the steelers first touchdown, my son standing next to me with·MY laptop in hand, and the·consumption of beer, sent a friend·running into my son, causing·my laptop to go up into the air and then down.· Then,·with a crashing thud, go through the plastic fish tank cover, destroying the florecent light and·heater bulb,·then bubble down to the bottom of the 55 gallon tank.· All fish were saved, and my son will recover from the brused ego and backside from his immedate and hard contact with the dinning room floor.· The laptop, however,·was pronounced DOR, Dead On Recovery,·after many attempts at reviving the unit·were unsuccessful.· The Dell Doctors and I are planning a transplant of some of the internal organs, however, the outlook is grim.· Final services for the unit will be held on Feburary 8, 10 PM, (EST).· Donations will be gladly accepted.
· Honestly, if I wasn't present, and witnessed the death of the laptop (the lcd display looked really cool until it fizzled to black).. I would have sworn my son did something he shouln't have done.· I now have nothing to use to program my stamp with, or any of my recent code files (includes work, programmer for hire and stamp source code, html files and the like) until DELL can send a replacement and I can attempt to recover the data in the hard drive...· I'm not sure if I can, drive heads tend to crash (touch the platter) when matter is present in the platter chamber.
· Attached is the original PDF I had written for the IDE interface.· This was written prior to the event, and before I could get the code I used modifed into SUB's (it's original form was a series of commands)· I updated the file to include the reason for the lack of software...· When I digitaly recover the bits from the past, I shall reboot and rebuild the files as I can.· Till then...··· does anyone have a crying towel ???·
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
My condolences! Don't despair yet, however. The laptop itself is probably quite dead, but I would be VERY surprised if they can't retrieve all of your data from the Hard Drive. If they say they won't be able to right off the bat (without even trying), then you should seek other data recovery channels before handing over the laptop.
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Did anyone get "any usefulness" out of the writeup for IDE hard drives?
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
As for the backup thing, I seriously needed to do that and I appreciate the reminder.· I have a lot of work that is always at risk on it, and not too long ago a failed Hard Drive lost me the more recent work.· A few years ago an HD crash lost me 5 years worth of video clips of my daughters and family events I captured from my Camcorder.· You betcha I backup now onto USB Drives·that only power on for backup purposes.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
It will cost me over 500 USD to recover what data they can from the old HD...
So... I start from scratch for some of the stuff...
I plan on placing the ASM code with the Presudo and PBasic code next to it...
Then, others whom know better then I in PBasic and the stamp might beable to make it much more "user friendly" and even "sub driven"....
details to follow... so much to do, so little time....
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket