Trying to create a multi-file project for the BSe2 Stamp
Posts: 2
I am fairly new to the Stamp, BS2e, ·and am having trouble creating a multi-file project that works. I am able to load the files to the BS2e but have not been able to get the second file (program) to run.
Creating multiple program projects simply involves adding the filenames of the programs for the other slots into the Stamp Directive of the main program (Slot 0).· This is accomplished like the example below.· You then use the RUN command to pass program control to these programs.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
·· I think you misunderstood me about the RUN command.· When you "Run" from within the BASIC Stamp Editor it downloads all the files to the BASIC Stamp and then RUNs the first one.· However, if you want to pass program control on to the other programs, your first program has to contain a RUN command that tells the next program to start running.· The RUN command will be followed by the slot number (0-7) of the slot which has the program you want to run next.· In turn, if that program needs to return to the first, or run yet another, it should contain a RUN x command as well.· I hope this clears things up for everyone who has wondered about this.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
The multi-file program is now working great. I think one thing that would have really helped me from the start would have been for the multi-file section in the Basic Stamp Manual to have mentioned the need for the RUN command needing to be inserted into the programs.
·· I'm glad that helped, and thank you for your feedback.· We are always looking for ways to improve on our documentation.· I will do what I can to see that this is addressed in future revisions of the BASIC Stamp Manual.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support