Smaller LCD??
Hello everyone,
I’m working in an electronics art project and I need a little help:
I’m looking for a small LCD Screen that I can program with my basic stamp. First of all it must bee very small (Give me as much possibilities as you can), and if possible essay to find – buy, and not too expensive. (Around 20 – 40 $).
I’m not very advanced in electronics, I have program command Hitachi 44780 based LCD displays 2X16. Please, give me us much information as possible (tell me for example the pin’s connections if they are different, external circuits – components I need to put…etc).
Thank you,
I’m working in an electronics art project and I need a little help:
I’m looking for a small LCD Screen that I can program with my basic stamp. First of all it must bee very small (Give me as much possibilities as you can), and if possible essay to find – buy, and not too expensive. (Around 20 – 40 $).
I’m not very advanced in electronics, I have program command Hitachi 44780 based LCD displays 2X16. Please, give me us much information as possible (tell me for example the pin’s connections if they are different, external circuits – components I need to put…etc).
Thank you,

Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
sure i did, but i need something much more smaller . . . any idea?
or here:
Anything smaller will likely only be bare LCDs with no driver, not much use to someone without experience working with them.
The lcds also have LED backlights.
***and the lcd controller chip is built into the lcd its self***
And they are graphical, so you can program a menu, like a cell phone.
Follow the link for more info. It has program examples, and detailed lcd data with pinouts and the like.
Post Edited (BPM) : 12/21/2005 1:25:42 AM GMT
After looking to the links you give me, the smaller commercial LCD of all seems the Powertip Model PC1202-A.
It’s 55.7 x 32.0 mm.
Do any of you know a smaller LCD that could bee programmed with a BS ??? , I’m looking for something much smaller (if possible), I only need to show a few phrases.
The most important side of the module that must be reduced is the width.
Thanks again,
Here's the link -- http://
·· IIRC the LCDBug uses the same size LCD Display as the one Paul mentioned.· It just adds a serial backpack to it.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
[noparse][[/noparse] "backpack" = 1 STAMP PIN used; no "backpack" = too many STAMP PINs·used.]
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support