Best Board for Humidity/tempreture Sensor?
Posts: 27
Hello, I was wondering what is the best board for the Humidity/Temoreture Sensor?
The best analogy is probably the relationship to a PC CPU and a PC motherboard. There are several varieties and combinations available, depending on your goals.
Purchase the following:
1.· A Parallax Basic Stamp II -->
2.· A Sensirion Temperature/Humidity Sensor· -->
3.· A·Parallax Board of Education -->·if your computer does not have a Serial Port; or·if your·PC does have a·Serial Port
Item 1 will give you the "brains"; Item 2 will give you the sensor; Item 3 will give you a project board that will enable you to easily connect the sensor to the brains and the brains to your computer.
You can do it less expensively, but this combination will enable you to easily do other projects as well.