Simple Keypad Interface
I am very new to the BASIC Stamp and electronics in general. I just started my first year of electrical engineering, and I have decided to pursue a few projects of my own. First off I would like to say that this is a very helpfull community and has helped me many times now, but I cannot find anything to help me with my latest challenge.
I have a 4x3 Standard Matrix Keypad ( and I am having trouble reading key inputs. I do not realy want to use an encoder/decoder, unless I absolutely have to. As of now I have tried many different method of reading the keypresses with no avail.
Does anyone have some helpfull hints that can get an aspiring student on his feet in this matter?
Is there a way to read the key presses without an encoder or decoder? I thought of using RCTIME, but that would require a Smile load of capacitors. I also tried setting, for instnace, PIN 1 to high and trying to detect which other PIN is high by using IN# = 1, but that didnt work either.
Thanks alot,
I am very new to the BASIC Stamp and electronics in general. I just started my first year of electrical engineering, and I have decided to pursue a few projects of my own. First off I would like to say that this is a very helpfull community and has helped me many times now, but I cannot find anything to help me with my latest challenge.
I have a 4x3 Standard Matrix Keypad ( and I am having trouble reading key inputs. I do not realy want to use an encoder/decoder, unless I absolutely have to. As of now I have tried many different method of reading the keypresses with no avail.
Does anyone have some helpfull hints that can get an aspiring student on his feet in this matter?
Is there a way to read the key presses without an encoder or decoder? I thought of using RCTIME, but that would require a Smile load of capacitors. I also tried setting, for instnace, PIN 1 to high and trying to detect which other PIN is high by using IN# = 1, but that didnt work either.
Thanks alot,
You guys/girls are great!~
Don Kinzer
ZBasic Microcontrollers