Create a Clock output pulse with the BS2 ?
T&E Engineer
Posts: 1,396
I tried using the PULSOUT command and didn't see that it worked right. No mater what I changed the· pulse value too, it did not seem to make any difference.
(.ie PULSOUT 15, 50) (or PULSOUT 15, 5000) on a BS2 or BS2px.
Perhaps someone knows how to make a high speed strobing clock for a 4017 for LED's. I tried the Pulse Generator on the Professional Development board and it wasn't fast enough.
I am trying to clock into a 4017 IC to strobe across some LEDs for my message display sign I am working on.
(.ie PULSOUT 15, 50) (or PULSOUT 15, 5000) on a BS2 or BS2px.
Perhaps someone knows how to make a high speed strobing clock for a 4017 for LED's. I tried the Pulse Generator on the Professional Development board and it wasn't fast enough.
I am trying to clock into a 4017 IC to strobe across some LEDs for my message display sign I am working on.
Presuming the problem is that the clock pulse is not being seen by the 4017, have you brought the clock enable input (pin 13) HIGH? If not, you need to do that first.
I didn't look closely at the clock requirements, but you also may need to strobe it in a DO ... LOOP some finite number of times.
Hope that helps.
Bruce Bates
Timothy Gilmore
· Works for me, T.
That worked with I brought the value of PULSOUT up higher and could see a noticible difference (.ie 50 to 50000).
However, I have the problem solved using a different method. I appreciate all you assistance.
Thanks again,
Timothy Gilmore