Senior Project
My name is John Turner and I am a Senior At Tri-County Voc. Tech. High School.· I am in Electronics and two weeks ago we worked on our senior projects in shop.· Now, in case your wondering what my Senior Project is I am taking an RC Car more specifically a deceptor RC Car and making it run own its own using a BS2 Microcontroller and a board of education.· The problem's, yes there are more than one
·unfortunately, is that I do not know··which of the three wires coming off of the rear motor are ground and which are for powering the motor.· I have a program for it I think but I'm not sure
·if it does anything because when I hook up the rear-wheel motor to the board the wheels run in reverse and that is irritating me a lot.
Please let me know if you can help me any and all suggestion would be very helpful and if you need any more information just let me know.
I'm so confused!!!·
Post Edited By Moderator (Jon Williams (Parallax)) : 11/28/2005 1:18:48 AM GMT

Please let me know if you can help me any and all suggestion would be very helpful and if you need any more information just let me know.
I'm so confused!!!·

Post Edited By Moderator (Jon Williams (Parallax)) : 11/28/2005 1:18:48 AM GMT
John K. Turner Jr.
Thanks, Parallax!
Thanks for your help guys! I really appreciate it and in the comming weeks I shall be relying on your information and the help you can give me to complete my Project.
John K. Turner Jr.
John K. Turner Jr.
You haven't given us any more meaningful information, and we are not in much of a position to help any more than the suggestions and requests above. The fact that the car is a transformer does NOT (in our minds) explain a third wire from a motor.
Starting with the basics, there appear to be two issues we are dealing with:
1) How to connect the motor.
2) Your program isn't working.
I would suggest that before we tackle the program that isn't working, we need to determine how to run the motor, and if indeed you have a "motor", as opposed to a servo (which is technically a type of motor).
As far as number two, you stated you would be happy to post the code if you knew what that was. This also suggests that you probably need to do some homework, like at least looking through the "What is a microcontroller" book that can be found and downloaded from: As you stated that this is a "Senior Project", I would think some basic research on your part is appropriate. Until we know how the motor is supposed to be connected, you are only guessing that your program doesn't work.
Back on the motor, If it were me, I would check the resistance between the various motor leads with a multi-meter, and how/if that resistance changes while manually slowly turning the motor, and/or check the voltage and polarity with the voltage meter while the motor is running in the original device in both a forward and reverse direction. This may provide some clues as to what's going on. I would also make sure I could run the motor both directions by connecting a battery "by hand" or with alligator clips. In addition, the following information might help us help you on the motor connections:
Again, to emphasize, let's get the motor figured out first, then worry about the program. You also want to do this first so that you dont end up letting the smoke out of the STAMP. The STAMPS only have a very small amout of smoke to give...
John R.
8 + 8 = 10
Post Edited (John R.) : 11/30/2005 3:45:29 AM GMT
John K. Turner Jr.
You probably don't want to be running the motor directly off the STAMP pins. Look for posts on motor controls and/or "H Bridge". Unless the motor has a VERY low current draw, you will exceed the rating of the STAMP and "let the smoke out".
Were you able to connect the two larger motor leads directly to a battery and have the motor run? If so, if you reversed the leads, did the motor reverse?
You need to break your problems down, and work them step by step.
John R.
8 + 8 = 10