Getting a lamp to light
Posts: 7
Question: I am trying to get a 14volt 200 mA lamp to turn on using a mps2222a npn transistor and it does not seem to be working so well. ·I started out by running the Positive 12 volt side of an transformer though the lamp·and running the negative wire·to the transistor collector, I hooked the base of the transistor I hooked up the stamp though a 220 ohm resistor and a 570 ohm resistor set in series.· The emitter is hooked to the negitive side of the of the trasformer. The voltage seems to go high and low at the emitter and the collector but the light will not go on,· if there not enough current?· What am I doing wrong? do I need to get another kind of transistor
······· ·The spects on this transistor are
······· hfe (MIN.):50
······· Absolute maximum ratings
······· Vcbo:··· 75
······· Vceo:··· 40V
······· Vebo:··· 6V
······· Ic:····· 600mA
······· ft:····· 300MHz
······· Dissipation 625 mW
·The program I am using is:
PAUSE 2000
LOW 15
PAUSE 2000
GOTO Start
hook up the circut in the diagram bleow and run the program. this is fail saif and shood work
Stamp pin HIGH - lamp goes on.
Stamp pin LOW - lamp goes off.
Sid Weaver
Do you have a Stamp Tester yet?
Sid Weaver
Do you have a Stamp Tester yet?
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
It should do the trick...
Instead of a 330Ω resistor, I use a 68Ω resistor connected to the base of the transistor(relay circuit)...
Is it possible for my stamp to get fried...
Provas, GReece
-Rule your Destiny-
--Be Good. Be Bad. Be Provas--
The 330 ohm resistor is specifically designed to allow enough current to flow through the emitter-base junction without doing damage to the BASIC Stamp.· With 330 ohms the base current will be 13 mA (safe); with 68 ohms the current would be a whopping·65 mA (max is supposed to be 20 mA)·and very soon you'd smell the acrid odor of a burning Stamp pin.· Don't do it.
Ohm's law is easy to use and gives us the tool we need to design circuits that won't burn up.
Follow-up: The BC547 is probably not a good choice as its spec is for 100 mA collector current -- most relays will take more than this.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Post Edited (Jon Williams (Parallax)) : 11/26/2005 11:15:25 PM GMT
Is there any possibility to have damaged the pin...
It seems to work right...
There are many other devices that drain a lot of power from the +5V and there is a considerable voltage drop...Devices sush as this relay, a serial(74HC595) LCD(backlight) and other mischelenious compoment...
I need the max current I can get...
-Rule your Destiny-
--Be Good. Be Bad. Be Provas--
1) The maximum source current from a BS2 pin is specified at 20 mA.
2) Using the BC547 with a 68-ohm resistor in the base, you're sourcing·62 mA (best case).· Here's the calculation:
··· (5.0 - 0.77) / 68 = 0.0622 A
Is it possible that you're actually using a 680 ohm resistor?· This would limit the current to a safe level (6.2 mA).· If you are drawing more than 20 mA per pin you're eventually going to damage your BASIC Stamp.· Don't worry, when you do we will happily sell you a replacement! ·
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
How about posting a sketch of your circuit (exactly)?
When you get 1st Place in the "Darwin Awards", you're a Winner & a Loser.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
········ -· ··········· ··································· ········ |·························· |
········ |············· ······················ ·330 Ohm Resistor ··············· ····|
······· ·|· ··········· ······················· ········· ···········|···························|
········ |············· ······· ··· ······················· Stamp Pin·············· ······ |
······ ··|·············································· ·········································|
········ |
········This is what I was trying
···················································· |
Did you make sure to put the basicstamp's voltage "through" the transistor and connect the transformer's voltage "through" the transistor? The negative terminal of your transformer should basically be wired to the ground of your basicstamp.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Post Edited (Jon Williams (Parallax)) : 11/27/2005 5:41:50 PM GMT
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Hi Jon, thanks for the great advice. This thread has been a life saver.
Quick question for you if you have a sec. In the schematic Relay Driver.jpg you provided a few posts up [noparse][[/noparse]Posted 11/26/2005 2:54 PM (GMT -8) - the one with the relay used to switch 120VAC] does the ground of the transistor need to be connected to the Stamps Vss pin as well?
Also, will any NPN transistor work for this application or will one work better than another? I believe the original transistor in question was an mps2222a
thanks much!
Transistors come with specifications -- you'll need to select a transistor that meets your voltage and current switch requirements.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Indeed you make a very important point about the back-EMF surge which occurs when power is removed from a magnetic coil, and the magnetic field then collapses. The Stamp pins can NOT be expected to withstand such a surge, without some immediate or eventual damage, even as hardy as they generally are. The best protection is to install a reversed biased diode across the coil leads which will effectively shunt any harmful reverse currents directly to ground, in a harmless manner, thus protecting the Stamp pins, and anything else that might be in the coil circuit.
I'm sure someone with more artistic skills than I have can provide a simple schematic showing how the diode should be installed. Many folks object to ACSII schematics, which·are·about the·only drawing skills of which I'm capable
Bruce Bates
Post Edited (Bruce Bates) : 11/29/2005 2:50:29 PM GMT