Solution Cubed mmc problem
Posts: 39
Hello people,
I have had a problem with the mmc rev4 that I hope you can help me with. I have tried all the code avaliable and cant seem to get both motors to work. The first bord I had was returned to S.Cubed as they told me it might be faulty. They sent me a new one however it still wont controll two motors, only one works. The fault light is not on and I have tried everything S.Cubed told me to do. Has anybody else experianced this problem?
I have had a problem with the mmc rev4 that I hope you can help me with. I have tried all the code avaliable and cant seem to get both motors to work. The first bord I had was returned to S.Cubed as they told me it might be faulty. They sent me a new one however it still wont controll two motors, only one works. The fault light is not on and I have tried everything S.Cubed told me to do. Has anybody else experianced this problem?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I am using a BS2 with a mmc carier board and mmc module. I am powering the motors with a 12V (7.2Ah) battery. The motors I purchased from Parallax and both are working when I change the connections over on the mmc carier board. Connection m1 works but m2 does not for some reason. The code that I was sent from Solutions Cubed to test the situation was;
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.0}
'Program constants
BAUD CON 84 'Use BAUD = 84 for 9600BPS and BS2
'Motor Mind C communication lines
TM CON 7 'TTL serial data from Motor Mind C
FM CON 8 'TTL serial data to Motor Mind C
'Set BS2 i/o direction and level
DIRS =%0000000100000000 'Set P8 as output all others inputs
OUTS =%1111111111111111 'Set all outputs high
PAUSE 1250 'Wait 1250ms for MMC to power up
SEROUT FM,BAUD,[noparse][[/noparse]$D0,$01,$04,$1,$0,$1,$0,$D7]
SERIN TM,BAUD,150,NA_SDC1,[noparse][[/noparse]DAT1]
S.Cubed told me that the configuration (components used) is correct and should be working.
I have also used the code avaliable on your and S.Cubed web site to no avail. Perhaps I am doing something fundamentally wrong that I am not seeing.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I'm not sure I understand your question. Could be that I am approaching this incorrectly. However I will try to explain it as I understand it...
I am using the MMC Carrier Board (rev3) that accepts the MMC Module (rev4) and Basic Stamp2. Power is applied to the Carrier Board (through 2 screw connectors GND, VM) which in turn powers the Basic Stamp and MMC Module that both reside on it. Power is avaliable to the Stamp as the board has a LED that shows power to the Stamp and I am able to download my program to the Stamp via a serial connection which is also on the MMC Carrier Board. The motors are connected to the Carrier Board through 4 screw connectors present (M1+, M1-, M2+, M2-) on the Carrier Board. So they are not directly connected to the Stamp. I assumed pins 7&8 were being used by the Stamp to communicate to the MMC module which in turn controlled the motors? Or that's how I read the program from Solutions Cubed.
The problem is that when I download the programs, only one motor responds. Even when I switch the motors over eg. the motor connected to M1 works but M2 does not respond.
Also the Carrier Board has a series of DIP Switches that allows you to select 1 or 2 motors. I have selected the 2 motor option (I even tried the 1 motor option just in case).