Parallax Servo Controller: Free Software Download from

Dear Customers,
Just on our radar is a new software program from Roborealm which works with the Parallax USB and Serial Servo Controllers.
This software lets you easily control the servos from a PC, and shows you the value being sent·serially to·the Parallax Servo Controller.·With a program like this it·is easier to tune your servo values without reprogramming the BASIC Stamp to do the same thing. Experimentation is just a bit faster because you can use the values in Roborealm in your PBASIC code.·Roborealm could also be a substitute for a microcontroller, depending on the depth of the features in their software.
And you can download the RoboRealm software for free:
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
Just on our radar is a new software program from Roborealm which works with the Parallax USB and Serial Servo Controllers.
This software lets you easily control the servos from a PC, and shows you the value being sent·serially to·the Parallax Servo Controller.·With a program like this it·is easier to tune your servo values without reprogramming the BASIC Stamp to do the same thing. Experimentation is just a bit faster because you can use the values in Roborealm in your PBASIC code.·Roborealm could also be a substitute for a microcontroller, depending on the depth of the features in their software.
And you can download the RoboRealm software for free:
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
"Don't always think outside the box, sometimes thinking inside the box is more practical and simple."