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Chapt. 7 (Measuring Light)Activity3-bonus — Parallax Forums

Chapt. 7 (Measuring Light)Activity3-bonus

StarwolfStarwolf Posts: 2
edited 2005-11-16 07:41 in Learn with BlocklyProp
freaked.gif·Is there a way to change the time variable(the x-axis) on the Stamp Plot Lite which would more accurately·display the actual time value?· In the Tracking Light Events activity, the eepromAddress range is 0 to 58(step 2), but on the Stamp Plot Lite, the time value is 0 to 1.17.


  • edited 2005-11-16 06:20
    The horizontal axis on StampPlot Lite is measured in seconds.· One solution would be to send a new measurement every second.· Below is an example that sends 29 measurements, one every second.· I'm not sure why, but I had to press and release the reset button on my board twice to get the plot to start.

    ' {$STAMP BS2}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}
    counter VAR Word
    DEBUG "!AMAX 1250", CR,
          "!TMAX 29", CR,
          "!TMIN 0", CR,
          "!SHFT ON", CR,
    FOR counter = 0 TO 28
      DEBUG DEC (counter * 40), CR
      PAUSE 1000

    Also, check out StampPlot Pro at· It's a much more powerful software package with a myriad of display options.· I'm pretty confident you'll be able to use it to display your data exactly as you want.

    You can also set up the Debug Terminal so that it displays a time and light sensor column.· Then shade the data and press CTRL + C.· Then, in a text editor, click Edit and select Paste.· Then, you can import the file with a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel.·

    There's also some software that pipes your measurements into an Excel graph.· It's called StampDAQ, and it's available from -> Downloads -> BASIC Stamp Software.
  • StarwolfStarwolf Posts: 2
    edited 2005-11-16 07:41
    Thank you, Andy, I will give this a try. I really appreciate it!
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