Wireless control robotic platform
I have been looking into designing a small robotic platform with wireless control,·however I am on a limited budget.· Wrong hobby right?· 
I noticed the EB500 and ToothPic listed on parallax's site but don't feel justified to spend 99 to 140 just for bluetooth control.
One forum member spoke previsouly about using a HP IPAQ or similar Palm PDA to·program the·bs2 wirelessly.·These can be purchased reasonably
cheap on ebay for around·75-100 and will·not·limit·me to just one option.·So my question is...is it possible to control the basic stamp with a pda via wifi or bluetooth?· I have researched into the PPRK, a·palm robot by Carnegie Melon, but they require·the brainstem with pda controls and a palm.· I want to go for something simple due to I already own a board of education.· I would like to use the Parallax servo controller, also purchased,·via usb port on IPAQ/PDA and VNC via PC.· Is this anyway possible or·simple?· The idea seems to make sense but I don't have experience programming·pda's.·
Thanks for the help, any advice is taken into consideration.
Russell C·

I noticed the EB500 and ToothPic listed on parallax's site but don't feel justified to spend 99 to 140 just for bluetooth control.
One forum member spoke previsouly about using a HP IPAQ or similar Palm PDA to·program the·bs2 wirelessly.·These can be purchased reasonably
cheap on ebay for around·75-100 and will·not·limit·me to just one option.·So my question is...is it possible to control the basic stamp with a pda via wifi or bluetooth?· I have researched into the PPRK, a·palm robot by Carnegie Melon, but they require·the brainstem with pda controls and a palm.· I want to go for something simple due to I already own a board of education.· I would like to use the Parallax servo controller, also purchased,·via usb port on IPAQ/PDA and VNC via PC.· Is this anyway possible or·simple?· The idea seems to make sense but I don't have experience programming·pda's.·
Thanks for the help, any advice is taken into consideration.
Russell C·
I used microsoft embedded visual baspic and the hp development kit for my pocket pc. (in my case, a 3835)
[noparse][[/noparse]Robotic Platform]·+ PDA·---->Serial Sync Cable---->·PSC
Does this make sense or am I going the path less taken?
Ryan Clarke
Parallax Tech Support
I currently use WIFI (TCP) to interact from my PC (or a laptop or an other PDA). I coded a TCP to serial proxy (C# and MS VisualStudio but you can use freewares) for the PDA and a client for the PC.
Here is the general scheme of it :
PC<=WIFI(TCP)=>iPAQ h4155<=SERIAL cable=>BS2e
It also helps me sometime to ease the computing work for my robot, focus the BS2e on low level, and I still have the Bluetooth and IR free for something else [noparse]:)[/noparse]
PS. No need for USB. My project was not intended to program over-the-air the BS2, but to drive it to drive low level components
I have not tried this, but i did order the modules today, and will attempt to get them working with the Javelin when they arrive.
-Jon Keinath