Parallax O-scope and RFID Antenna
John R.
Posts: 1,376
I separated this from the other thread because it is a specific question, not meant as part of the onging discussion on applying RFID to model railroad cars.
Does anyone know if·the Parallax USB Oscilloscope is fast enough to get a meaningful trace on the signal on the RFID reader antenna?
The scope says 200 kHz, but also says sine waves to 60 kHz and square waves to 120 kHz.
I believe the RFID is roughly 150-170- kHz.
I'd like to see basic wave form, and amplitude.· In concept, I'd like to be able to look and see what affects any "shielding" or "reflectors" might have, as well as possibly (maybe) validate any alternative antennas.
I plan on measuring the antenna on the board, and possibly also making an "induction coil" to try and measure field strength.
If I'm way off base here, feel free to smack me upside the head and pound some reality in!
John R.
8 + 8 = 10
Does anyone know if·the Parallax USB Oscilloscope is fast enough to get a meaningful trace on the signal on the RFID reader antenna?
The scope says 200 kHz, but also says sine waves to 60 kHz and square waves to 120 kHz.
I believe the RFID is roughly 150-170- kHz.
I'd like to see basic wave form, and amplitude.· In concept, I'd like to be able to look and see what affects any "shielding" or "reflectors" might have, as well as possibly (maybe) validate any alternative antennas.
I plan on measuring the antenna on the board, and possibly also making an "induction coil" to try and measure field strength.
If I'm way off base here, feel free to smack me upside the head and pound some reality in!
John R.
8 + 8 = 10
sorry...couldn't resist!! haha
"Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."
<ethereal voice from the rafters> "We now return to our regularly scheduled programming" </voice>
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 10/28/2005 4:54:42 PM GMT
I recognize Twiki by appearance, but can't remember the show. What was it?
On the O-scope, I'm familiar with the concept of Nyquest limits, etc., but don't have the experience to know how bad things would get distorted. Can you take a stab at how meaningless/meaningful the traces would be? If I wasn't after "quantifyiable" results, but just "relative" results looking at gross cause/effect, would I be likely to see anything? (assuming I get up to speed on actually measuring the signal to start with).
Really, I'm looking for an excuse to buy the scope, but if I can't use it, and it starts to get dusty, my wife will start to remove body parts (from me). These would be some of the parts I find most useful.
I realize I have a lot to explore learn, but I want to get up to speed as quickly as possible. Inbetween my applied experimentation, I am taking some time to refresh, and build up my basic knowledge and understanding. I was involved with industrial control circuits and some logic and analog stuff at work long ago, so I'm not a total newbie, but by no means proficient yet.
John R.
8 + 8 = 10
The amount of beating in the signal is dependent upon the ratio of the frequency of the signal to the sampling frequency. RF signals typically start with a sinusoid then modulate the signal to encode information on it. So we'll assume a 566 kHz sample rate is required, this is 2.83 times faster than provided by the oscope. When violating Nyquist, the FFT peak wraps around in the frequency domain. Because the sampled frequency isn't a integer multiple of the signal, eventually the sampled signal's peak value will be sampled by the oscope. Therefore you can still use it to get the amplitude of the sampled signal and it should work for what you are trying to do, you just won't be able to see the data modulated onto the carrier.
Here's a good synopsis of the concept of aliasing, the second picture is what will happen.
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 10/28/2005 7:07:51 PM GMT
John R.
8 + 8 = 10
Heres a list of links, your milage may vary:
Or make your own:
Any more word on this scope? Still "vapor ware"? Need a beta tester?
John R.
8 + 8 = 10
Thanks for the insight and the links. I'll be playing with what I have and doing more research on the scopes you mention and see if I can find any others over the weekend.
The "roll your own" idea looks interesting, but I think I'll pass on that for now.
John R.
8 + 8 = 10