Javelin with Toothpic Stamp Edition
Posts: 13
Is it possible to use Javelin stamp for Toothpic Stamp Edition?
If there is any resource then, please help me. I have the Toothpic Manual but it only describes Basic stam does.
Thanks in advance.
Doo Young Kwon
If there is any resource then, please help me. I have the Toothpic Manual but it only describes Basic stam does.
Thanks in advance.
Doo Young Kwon
basic stamps, not for programming javelins.
regards peter
For javelin stamp, I can not use the firmware things. I have to implement communication module by myself.
If i have some results then, I will post it. Considering my programming skill, it will take 100 years.^^ However, I will try as usual.
Best Regards,
Doo Young Kwon