protecting BS2 I/O : zener power rating ??
Hi All,
A question about the article "Protecting Your Stamp from the Cold· Cruel World" in 1999 by Lon Glazner from Nuts & Volts Vol 2·· Column #53.
Figure 53.5 "Protective circuit for input pins" shows a 5.1 Volt Zener diode. What should be the power rating for this Zener diode e.g. 120mW, 250 mW, 500 mW .... etc ????
A question about the article "Protecting Your Stamp from the Cold· Cruel World" in 1999 by Lon Glazner from Nuts & Volts Vol 2·· Column #53.
Figure 53.5 "Protective circuit for input pins" shows a 5.1 Volt Zener diode. What should be the power rating for this Zener diode e.g. 120mW, 250 mW, 500 mW .... etc ????