Hexcrawler Communication with transrecever
hi Every one I am faceing a problem I want try to get data from one HExcrawler(BS2P) to other with trans recever kit .I want to do giving the command from the keyboard(i.e for"Show" i Gives the input "S"·)·from· one hecrawler to the other Remote Hexcrawler robot.And the other remote Robot Moves his Sonar and gives his current position from any obstcle.
I have done the comunication process but i can't get back the data from the robot (i.e it cant display·with the serialy connected transrecever into the connected PC )
·i.e with pc connect· i can communicacate with the serial port.
i tryed it but i cant get data back from remote robot that gives me the distance· which the remote robot get by his Sonar, I want the Data tranmit from the remote robot data to the anathor robot from which i can get dicission in which direction the robot moves to now.pls Help me
Post Edited (tribeni) : 10/24/2005 9:09:47 AM GMT
I have done the comunication process but i can't get back the data from the robot (i.e it cant display·with the serialy connected transrecever into the connected PC )
·i.e with pc connect· i can communicacate with the serial port.
i tryed it but i cant get data back from remote robot that gives me the distance· which the remote robot get by his Sonar, I want the Data tranmit from the remote robot data to the anathor robot from which i can get dicission in which direction the robot moves to now.pls Help me

Post Edited (tribeni) : 10/24/2005 9:09:47 AM GMT