Impedence Levels for audio equipment
An·amplifier·recognizes·impedience·values for certain components.· Do the tape and turntable cartrages have higher impediance levels then a CD/DVD player?· When my friend attempts to connect a CD player to the phonograph input for an old 70's·minisystem the sound is much softer, as the amp seems to expect a higher impediance.· What are the numbers for each of the components, i'm sure there are variations, but what is the range if this is the case?
Turntable cartrage
Cassette and 8-track player
Reel to Reel Machine
CD/DVD Player
VCR and TV set
AM/FM tuner
The problem with his minisystem is that it has no AUX input, so he has to connect his CD player somewhere.· That amp sounds extremely good, I have to find some way to connect that·CD player·so it works effectily.· The system has a tape deck, radio, and 8 track player built in it.· No AUX port, just phono.·
Thank you
All my exes live in Texas
Oh yeah, all my exes are six feet under the ground!!!
One was a lineman who violated the one hand rule.
The·second put his tongue on 10 car batteries wired in series.
The third was involved in a tesla coil experiment gone bad.
Turntable cartrage
Cassette and 8-track player
Reel to Reel Machine
CD/DVD Player
VCR and TV set
AM/FM tuner
The problem with his minisystem is that it has no AUX input, so he has to connect his CD player somewhere.· That amp sounds extremely good, I have to find some way to connect that·CD player·so it works effectily.· The system has a tape deck, radio, and 8 track player built in it.· No AUX port, just phono.·
Thank you
All my exes live in Texas
Oh yeah, all my exes are six feet under the ground!!!
One was a lineman who violated the one hand rule.
The·second put his tongue on 10 car batteries wired in series.
The third was involved in a tesla coil experiment gone bad.
Reel to Reel Machine
CD/DVD Player
VCR and TV set
All of these output at the same level - 2V P-P.
A turntable with a magnetic cartridge outputs at a much lower level, and it needs to be processed thru an RIAA equilization curve.
The quickest way to connect a CD player (with a headphone jack) would be to use a Cassette adapter (commonly sold for cars) such as Radio Shack P/N 12-1999 that sells for $19.99
"Line level" (typically found on your RCA stereo jacks that would output from your cd deck to your stereo) is about 1Volt peak to peak.
That's about all I recall.....
RCA jacks are unbalanced where as XLR (common on mics) are
I don't know how long they've used "line level" as a standard....but 8tracks are fairly old....I'll defer to someone else at this point!
"Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."
All my exes live in Texas
Oh yeah, all my exes are six feet under the ground!!!
One was a lineman who violated the one hand rule.
The·second put his tongue on 10 car batteries wired in series.
The third was involved in a tesla coil experiment gone bad.
You can't - at least not easily. Not unless you can design and build a reverse RIAA curve equilizer (hard) and an attenuator circuit (not hard)!
OK, I don't know exactly how hard it would be to build this circuit. All I can tell you is I've never seen one sold commercially in the past 25 years.
The Radio Shack Cassette adapter I mentioned is your quickest and least expensive solution. The best solution is to get a new stereo.
Post Edited (Forrest) : 10/15/2005 2:28:40 AM GMT
· Let's get out of the box:· Does the CD-player have a headphone jack?· Mine does (and it's a "component"-type unit), but they're getting away from that these days.· If it does, then how about plugging the CD player into an FM-transmitter like the one they have at· Then you'd use the existing FM-tuner to receive the CD-player.
· You're going to spend time and money, from the sounds of it, anyway.
· [noparse][[/noparse]I'm not certain whether that 'phono' IN·is necessarily for a magnetic or ceramic cartridge, and that makes a difference -- which is a whole 'nother kettle of fish.]
BINGO -- I Found It!!·
While writing my previous post I was thinking that I'd seen EXACTLY what you're looking for, but also figuring maybe I was totally out of it, too.
So, here's a link to·"it"· ( --;jsessionid=N5WOPWETOZXHECXFEOFCFFYK2URYWIV1?SKU=50-7240&N=0
And it's only $10 ($60 less than the FM transmitter).· Looks like it's a passive device (no power required), too.
So, how about that?· I think I'll pick up a couple of these myself.
All my exes live in Texas
Oh yeah, all my exes are six feet under the ground!!!
One was a lineman who violated the one hand rule.
The·second put his tongue on 10 car batteries wired in series.
The third was involved in a tesla coil experiment gone bad.