CP650 dolby
Posts: 85
Hello, I am trying to connect the sx28l with the cp650 serial port.
Can somebody take a look into the program and pdf file what i do wrong?
Can somebody take a look into the program and pdf file what i do wrong?
Before we look at your code, can you post a better description of what you are trying to accomplish, what the problem seems to be, and what you have tried. More details should be given rather than " please tell me what I'm doing wrong", and have us try to figure out what you are trying to do.
When you have done that, I'm prepared to have a look; without that, I won't. In my opinion you need to put some more effort in to make it easier for us..... while many of us are prepared to help, our time also is valuable.
Peter (pjv)
Several things to help track down the problem:
1/· First try sending the commands to the Dolby unit from Hyperterminal as described.
2/· Try transmiting single characters from the SX28 to the PC.
3/·· One problem with your code is the string management.
····· The strings are stored in program memory, which has a 11 bit address (2K * 12 bit)
····· our code "mov w,#_mute" only loads the lower 8 bits into W.
······You need to load the upper three address bits before accessing the data.
The cp650 is a cinema sound decoder that can be controlled with the use of a serial connection.
i have tried to simulate it with hyperterminal, and it works.
i also have hook up an serial lcd display, where i always can see what will be send from the sx28.
the only problem is the character combination , (see included manual) exampl mute=2\r\n .
What is the \r\n stand for, or what character combination do i have to send with from the sx28 to the cp650.
\r\n is the standard "C" notation for carriage return (\r) and Line Feed (\n) also known as new line, these translate to ASCII decimal 13 & 10
From looking at your code, the line:
_mute dw 'mute=2',13,13,10,0
·Looks like it is actually sending:
This may be confusing your device, delete one of the carriage returns and retest.
Another way to test would be to connect your SX device to a NULL modem adapter and then to your PC running Hyperterm. This will allow you to see if it's actually transmitting the data and at the right baud rate. If you run PortMon in background, it will show you what ASCII data the device is actually transmitting. You can get a copy of PortMon here:
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Post Edited (Mike Cook) : 10/15/2005 4:23:00 PM GMT
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
i figured out, the \r\n wasn't enough i had to put an extra chr(9) to it. Now it works
Happy me,up to the following problem