New Commands in compiled basic.
Is it possible to add new commands in compiled basic
which end up being assembly macro involcatiosn which
generate tailored assembly language ?
I really like the speed of the whole thing.
Being able to generate 50 MHz square waves from basic
is way cool.
Most of the interesting things I want to do I'd be doing
on interrupt level and that works very well also.
This is a great product.
which end up being assembly macro involcatiosn which
generate tailored assembly language ?
I really like the speed of the whole thing.
Being able to generate 50 MHz square waves from basic
is way cool.
Most of the interesting things I want to do I'd be doing
on interrupt level and that works very well also.
This is a great product.
... and then put assembly code in it as you desire with the ASM..ENDASM block:
··· NOP
You can even define you subroutine (new "keyword") to accept parameters and return a value if you need.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax