For my school project I try to realise a optical measuring system with the CMUCam.
I have the CMUCam C Source Code, but now I should have the header file File for the SX28AC. Where can I get this??
How can I program the SX28AC in C?? Which Software/Compiler do I need??
Thanks for your answers.
For my school project I try to realise a optical measuring system with the CMUCam.
I have the CMUCam C Source Code, but now I should have the header file File for the SX28AC. Where can I get this??
How can I program the SX28AC in C?? Which Software/Compiler do I need??
Thanks for your answers.
If you search this forum, you will find quite a bit of discussion about which ones to use. [noparse][[/noparse]There are some free ones too.]
I suspect the real problem is that C was designed with microcomputers in mind, not microcontrollers. The microcomputers needed a way to use software on many different platforms for business and communications.
Microcontrollers are more independent of the portablity issue because each application tends to be dependent on it's associated hardware and design constraints. It seems much bettter to start with SX/B and go to SX assembly language to really use the Microcontroller.
I guess what I am trying to say is that it will be faster, less costly, and more educational to convert your C Source Code to SX/B. If SX/B will not do it all, you can use SX assembly.
Also, you will get a lot more support from this forum as people here generally don't use C.
G. Herzog in Taiwan
The first versions of C were designed at pre-microcomputer times at Bell Labs, so the developers did not even think about microcomputers/controllers at that time. A long time ago, I was lucky to meet one of the first developers in Indiannapolis who did a very rudimentatry implementation of C for 8080/Z-80 based CP/M machines (ECO-C).
Nevertheless, in the following years, C (and its successors, like C++, and C#) has been established as a programming language for various hardware platforms including PCs, microprocessors, and microcontrollers. The only problem is that C for one platform is not like C for another platform because of the diferent structure of such platforms.
Doing a
printf("Hello World");
on one platform my nicely display this text on the console, where trying this with C dedicated for a microcontroller will do something completely different, like sending the string as serial output - maybe, printf() is not even implemented at all.
There are some C implementations for the SX available on the market but I must admit that I did not like any of those I had a look at, nore did I use them to generate any meaningful SX application.
I think you won't be lucky finding a version with an SX-specific header file that allows you to port the C code for the CMUCam you have on an SX w/o heavy work on the existing code. Therefore, I think you are better off to analyze how your code handles the camera, and the interfacing and then try to port this into assembly code, or into SX/B code.
Greetings from Germany,